Chapter 5: No More Nightmares

moonlit walks underneath the stars. passionate evenings and busy days caring for the bakery. maybe some adventures here and there. some mischief even. but one thing over everything else. they would have love and peace.

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Beast Wars Ravages of Love (original story)

Not like anyone would have responded had they heard them; optimus was busy restoring the original megatron's spark to his body, silverbolt and blackarachnia were taking a moonlit walk along the volcano's edge, and rhinox...rhinox was keeping one eye on the

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Star Spots Chapter 5

A moonlit walk outside. what could be more romantic than that? "come on, we can't waste time!" she said, pratically dragging all of us to the door. "woah!" nova, cain, and i said in unison.

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Everything Changed: A Night That Changed Everything, Part 14

They went for a moonlit walk in the garden before julius escorted her back to her room, staying for a few hours afterward before going off to his own room for the night.

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The Cats of Bast

A moonlit walk through a park? sign her up. he didn't say anything back, just nodding his head before pulling out of the parking lot. they didn't quite roar off into the night, but they certainly didn't go slow.

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Next Level Ch. 5: Battle Frontier

"wouldn't really call it a date...hardly a moonlit walk on the beach. was more like something solar and charm would enjoy." he rolled on his back to take the strain off his injuries. "too bad you retired her.

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