The Dishes THE DISHES!!!

I grumbled and quickly looked back down at my note book making sure I had the distance right as I waited for her to poke her head out again. I sighed and flicked the safety off as I stared down the scope for what seemed like hours before sunny slowly...

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"So what do you think Josh" I asked looking down the scope. "It's all F.U.B.A.R. buddy" Said the Capybara next to me. With a smile and a shrug he added "but fuck it we might get to blow somthin up before we...

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As we rounded the corner and entered the Comand Post Colonel Buford flagged us down. "Boys good to see you made it....


Splintered Chromosomes Ch. 7

Splintered Chromosomes Ch. 7 I sighed and stepped out of the shower after drying off and crossed the warm tile to the sink and mirror. "Hmm maybe something different" I mumbled to myself touching a finger to the glass and smiling as the holo...

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Splintered Chromosomes Ch. 8

I tapped my fingers against the throttle in time with Motley crew's Kick start my heart blasting from the speakers and with a quiet giggle I rolled my SR-71 Raven onto its side and looked down at the earth miles below as I tore through the...

Ricky's Rio

I yawned and stretched. Finally it was time to go home. With a squeak my shoulders popped making me sigh happily as I shutdown my computer and grabbed my purse, checking my makeup and adjusting my skirt. "See ya in the morning Phi." I called to the...

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Solar Corruption Origins

I sighed, yawned and stretched my arms, squeaking as my right shoulder popped, before flipping the auto pilot on. "Assuming Control" Mother, the ships A.I, said clearly over the old broadcast system. "Not bad girl" The captain said. I looked over...

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Bonding time

"Damn it". I yelled pulling off my head set and coughing I stood and held my chest eyeing my corps on the screen watching as my blood pooled around it. "Jess...What's with the foul language young lady? Just because you're a fourteen now doesn't mean...

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Master's New Pets

She cried and looked up through the bars as the last of her village burned; her mate clung tightly to her sobbing quietly. She held back her own sob and held her a little tighter, burying her muzzle in her dark red hair trying to block out the sound...

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Nucleic Bonds

I Sighed as I made my way down the hallway with the last laundry basket. "Hey you two did you finish your homework?" I called through Jessica's door knowing my oldest Hope was in there with her. "Yes mom" "Thank you....and stop jumping on the...

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