K-495 chapter 3

Both our fathers had served in the russian and later soviet navy during world war one, and world war two. "comrades," he said, a cheery look on his face, his ears perked, and his tail wagging, "how are you two?"



Some stories are darker, like a story about world war two nazis invading poland but using foxes and rabbits. not your momma's fairy- tales, that one was tough to slog through.

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A Dragon's Tale Genesis-Chapter 3-Tunnel Rats

The floors and walls were made of cobblestone,like something you might have seen in an old world war two german village. stone statues filled pockets carved into the walls,closely resembling hindu gods.

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Good Dirty Family Fun

"and you couldn't just replace them because... the catalina is a world war two airplane, right?" asked nelly. "that's absolutely right," said digby, "you can't find a replacement cooling unit for a world war two airplane in this day and age!

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Unstable Sernenity - Chapter 13, A Broken Bond

"the russians have never been this co-operative since world war two, but why now? you see major, they've hidden a lot of things from us, and they could be covering up his enlistment.

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Weapon – Active again

Resisting the urge to use the very well known world war two reply, i said quietly but clearly, "simon."

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Protecting Myself

"um, to be honest, only a bit..." he replied with half-folded ears, shifting his sweat-drenched, clothed body in my direction, "i know that before world war two, the british had been, ya know, fucking over ireland for years."

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K-495 chapter 4

The ship looked almost like a relic of a by gone era, looking like it belonged more in world war two, then 1968. true the hull was based on that of a nazi u-boat, but in its extended sail sat three nuclear missiles, ready, waiting.

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Flying Mile High Chapter 17

It's a world war two german luger. he won't be waking up when you point it in the right direction." janice grunted, and pulled the gun from the bag, admiring it in the single bulbs dim illumination.

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The Lakehouse: Chapter 3

He remembered josiah's words from some time ago, remarking to him that his father narrowly missed desert storm, his grandfather was in vietnam, after that his great grandfather was in world war two, after that his great great grandfather fought in world war

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Chapter Two

"it's funny how they find it inhumane, yet they helped the third reich back in world war two. i hope they use the guillotine on him. they haven't used that since the 70s, and i would really like to see them pull it out again."

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Unstable Serenity - Chapter 12, False Accusations

Even though i was not religious, we still had allies in the taliban, al-qaeda and the islamic state, but never really worked side-by-side, similar to the nazis and the japanese in world war two. "no, but we can yell. and we can yell very loud!"

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