A Hard Lesson
**a hard lesson** written by: zylen andel zeke stone is a simple man with simple tastes...and simple rules.
Pillow Talk
Rubeous mitchell and the story is © to me, zylen andel rafe is © to apollojay89 "oh fuck yes! right there!" ruby moaned while making hot steamy love with his boyfriend, rafe.
Buying Protection
Story is (c) to me, blitz is (c) to blitzkriegotter (over on fa) **one size fits all** **written by: zylen andel** **commissioned by: blitzkriegotter** the bathroom door opened with blitz grinning from ear to ear
Dirty Load
Calvin and sanela and the story are all (c) to me, **dirty load** ** ** **written by: zylen andel** ** ** "whoo! i can really work a good stink."
Not Playing Fair
Fair** written by: zylen andel commissioned by: apollojay89 the sounds of the fair were all around them and they were enjoying the sights as well.
Drink Me
This story contains: micro/macro play male/male crossdressing story is (c) to me, talking doorknob and cheshire cat are (c) to their owners **drink me** written by: zylen andel brought to you by: my friendly patrons zylen andel woke up slowly, his
Fetish Tales Transformation Examples
The stories are (c) to me, zylen andel **tf ideas** zylen into a frilly pair of panties- zylen felt his body flush with warm blood as he felt the familiar sensations of the magic surging over and through his body.
Smoking Sucks
The dark bar wouldn't have been his first choice of hangouts, but there was potential in this crowd. Well, not really the crowd so much as the staff - specifically the bovine bouncer. That hot slab of beef was just what Blitz was looking for tonight....
Otter Pops
Blitzkrieg was having fun walking around the adult store just looking at all the toys and equipment made him horny. There was also some guys in the store that he wouldn't mind playing with. The otter put down an egg vibrator and sighed, "Could be fun....
Made to Fit
"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming to this event!" The voice was commanding but friendly, inviting all surrounding eyes to behold his naked form. The fact the muscular markhor was out in public meant very little to him as he was the host of an...
Getting Ripped
"That's good, Blitz! Push harder!" The beefy Doberman asserted to the otter busy bouncing on his cock. The hot pleasure of the otter's body was at first exquisite. He always enjoyed the smaller males and feeling them getting bigger with muscles as he...
Pale & Breathless
zylen andel, kritanta, and the story are © to me, zylen andel apollo musea is © to apollojay89 (over on fa) **pale & breathless** ** ** **written by: zylen andel** the night was still, with a chilling breeze being the only sound the lovers