A Bro In Need: Chapter 3
**8** **8** **8** _Okay, here we go. Fingers, tongue, clit is on the inside. Fingers, tongue, clit is on the inside._ James's mind was a flurry of thoughts, all the information Garrus had just given him was flying about his brain, trying to sort...
A Bro In Need: Chapter 2
**[Calling...]** **[Connecting to ID: Anna, H.]** **[You are online with ID: Anna, H.]** **[OmniChat Activated]** ... "Anna? Can you hear me?" . _[[["Wha? Who is-? Oh. Why are you calling me this late, hon?"_ . "Yes, I know, it's late and I'm...
A Bro In Need: Chapter 1
**Original Prompt (copy-n-pasted from KMeme) :** _I always thought that James was practically Shepard's protege. He looks up to her and asks for her advice when it comes to big decisions._ _He finds out that she and Garrus are a thing and at first is...
A Very Special Fill For A Very Special Prompt
Tali'Zorah waltzed into Commander Shepard's quarters with a very smug Garrus Vakarian in tow. The young quarian woman was leading the turian by the hand, coming up from behind Shepard as the human spectre sat at his desk, going over mission...
**Normandy SR2** **Post-Suicide Mission** Garrus slid off Shepard's hips, landing in a heap beside her lover. The normally energetic turian woman was exhausted, panting and gasping as she recovered from her most recent climax. Garrus looked over to...
Rana could hear the sound of gunfire draw closer to her position. The asari neuro-specialist was not above admitting that she was scared out of her mind. She was just a scientist! She wasn't cut out for explosions and gunfights! Rana began to silently...