Red viscous on black fur
Life giving liquid released with a squirt
Ugly scarred hole, burnt into flesh
Last gasps left wanting breath
Claws grasp at empty skies
Sights, sounds fade with one last sigh
Fangs in muzzle gnash with one last breath
Generic furry, Poem, Poetry, Visceral, serial killer, visual, voice
Meanwhile, generic-buzzcut-human-male-marine shepard stood and watched generic-ly with his generic, boring human eyes.
tali-sex-juice level was now at his waist.
garrus aimed his dildo, erm, his magnificent peen at tali's over-flowed womanhood.
AllianceCommand, Cheating, Cuckold, Human, M/F, MShep, Male Shepard, Mass Effect, Mass Kink, Parody, Tali, Turian, Very Special Fill, garrus, generic, quarian, troll, unfaithful
The generic looking natives, with their nakedness barely covered by clothes made of leaves and tall grass, and the bones pierced through their ears and noses, pushed him along with the generic jungle chant, played on generic jungle drums.
Male, No-Yiff, Snuff, corny jokes, fourth-wall, hyon, quicksand
There were only two furs currently working this night shift: an elephant that fit in the generic elephant look, whose name tag said keith, and a hyena that fit the generic hyena look, whose name tag said nathan.
Anal, Bull, Dragon, Elephant, Hyena, M/F, M/M, M/solo, Oral, Orca, Public, Short, Shower
Well you and the grunt have been like, super generic. like, i can't believe how generic you two are. like, you're an evil organization bent on world domination, just 'your' version of world domination. you know how many teams do that? a lot!
Bizarre, Pokemon, Transformation
"our fourth option is much like the third let's have a look", the animation appeared again only this time instead of swallowing the generic fur the other generic fur sat on the other and they slowly swelled out the first.
Anal Vore, Commode, Crap, Dalmatian, Gay, Implied-reformation, Implied-restoration, Infomercial, Lion, M/M, Micro, Nanites, Panther, Piss, Poop, Rabbit, Reformation, Restoration, Scat, Shrinking, Squirrel, Story Progression, Toilet, Vore (soft), Wolf, cockvore, flush, flushing, oral vore, pooping, shit, vore
dorian is copyright me, and while i might use the other characters in a larger story, as i haven't given them names yet, generic animal-people are generic.
thanks for reading! please leave a comment!
Canine, Clean, Fox, M/M, Short Story, Wolf
Also mentioned earlier, is that navis can't use cards from other elements, except for generic which is the neutral element that anyone can use.
now for the different cards that are at an admin's disposal.
Internet, cyber, manual