A Trip Through the Woods

The wolf replied, wasting no time in slipping the dress over andlat's body. andlat shivered as the soft material brushed his fur.

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Easter with Andlat (Part 1)

andlat mumbled as the wolf set him on his lap. he smiled, bouncing andlat slightly. seemingly appearing out of nowhere, andlat found a piece of hard candy in his paw.

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Accidents Happen! (Part 2)

andlat yelped as jack swatted his rump. "emma! that was very rude. apologize to your cousin." "sorry." andlat mumbled. "emma.

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The Runaway

andlat said. "daddy spanks me whenever i break the rules." "well, if he spanks you, i'll spank him." the buck said seriously. andlat giggled. "that'd be silly." "it would, wouldn't it?" he took andlat's paw.

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Andlat and the Bears: Part One

andlat batted him away bashfully as they walked up to the front door. andlat felt a sudden shyness. kaiser was a nice guy, but andlat was not too fond of how he always called him 'squirt' and other childish nicknames like that.

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Andlat the Knight

andlat realized. he was not sure how, but andlat knew in his heart that the doe was a fairy. she nodded, giggling. "and you are such a brave knight." she said warmly. andlat smiled.

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A Puddle of Mud's More Trouble than It's Worth

andlat whimpered as josh, an ex of his, came walking up. "and good afternoon, baby emma!" he reached down and tickled andlat's chin. "i'm so glad you've accepted that you're just a baby girl!" he squeezed andlat's diaper."

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Monday Night Football

He pinched andlat's chest. "didn't you, sweetie? you almost made me think you were a boy." they all laughed as andlat hid his face in his paws. "you aren't a boy, are you?" "no. i'm a girly girl." andlat mumbled. "that's right and don't you forget it."

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Andlat Fox and the House of Tomorrow (Sneak Peek)

#6 of andlat jack and andlat are spending a week in the house of tomorrow, an automated house where everything is programmed to meet your every need. will such a convenient lifestyle spoil andlat beyond all recognition?

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Andlat Fox and the House of Tomorrow (Chapter 2)

#7 of andlat andlat is trapped in the paws of a robotic caretaker and she keeps unveiling new surprises for him. how will he ever escape?

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A New Best Friend!

#2 of collaborations with andlat my collaboration with andlat ryan was in the hobby shop playing his favorite card game when andlat walked in.

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A New Best Friend: Collaboration with DA1337WOLF

andlat quietly ensured that his nanny's car was not in the driveway. "it's fine, come on in." andlat led the way up onto the porch and in the front door. ryan smiles and follows andlat in, saying, "well andlat...

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