Hate to Sea It (vore story)
(Contains: non-fatal size difference unbirth, willing female feral orca pred, unwilling to semi-willing male feral dolphin prey, straight sex, hate sex.) Hate to Sea It by Bad Manners === "Is it in yet?" The orca shouted to the smaller...
Butting into Their Plans (vore story)
(Contains: first person point-of-view, non-fatal size difference anal vore, willing male feral drake pred, willing PoV ambiguous anthro prey, rimming.) Butting into Their Plans by Bad Manners === "Hey! Glad you came!" From the kitchen,...
Ruffling Some Feathers (vore story)
(Contains: non-fatal size difference oral vore, willing feral male owl pred, semi-willing feral male snake prey.) Ruffling Some Feathers by Bad Manners === Sovinne shifted in his sleep, feeling some minor discomfort. The brown saw-whet...
Reaching for the Full Moon (vore story)
(Contains: non-fatal oral vore, smaller unwilling anthro male rabbit pred, bigger willing werewolf prey, forced vore, role reversal.) Reaching for the Full Moon by Bad Manners === A lupine howl pierced the full moon night, reaching...
Hungry for Love (vore story)
Hungry for Love by Bad Manners === Finally, Aloe thought, she was home for Valentine's! The gray American badger didn't have anyone special to spend the night with, but that didn't mean that she didn't have any plans! Perusing her phone,...
The Lost of the Marshes – Chapter 9: Stuck
The Lost of the Marshes - Chapter 9: Stuck by Bad Manners === ... Arguably, Kaati's largest contributor to its supremacy wasn't an intrinsic cultural superiority, but its highly organized and prevalent military hierarchy, unlike any seen...
The Lost of the Marshes – Bonus: Quince's Fantasy
The Lost of the Marshes - Bonus: Quince's Fantasy by Bad Manners === What was going on...? Quince's head was cloudy as they got their bearings. Whatever had happened, they'd ended up in an unfamiliar place that was hard to describe. They...
Delicacy's Dare (vore story)
Delicacy's Dare by Bad Manners === It was a beautiful morning in Mag Skeima, but frankly, why would it be any different in paradise? The sunless sky shone a wonderful blue over fluffy pink clouds, bringing light to the idyllic plains of the...
Accommodation (vore story)
Accommodation by Bad Manners === The okapi woke up with that familiar weight on her. Cynthia rubbed her eyes and yawned before carefully lowering her hands onto the spherical dome on her body below her breasts, rubbing its sides. Not too...
[C] Addictive Additions (vore story)
Addictive Additions by Bad Manners Commissioned by Scion === "A'ight, this place should be quiet enough." A resounding, confident manly voice boomed in the dark backroom. Music from a party kept playing far away, only the beats being...
Spontaneous Sleepover (vore story)
(Contains: non-fatal same size tail vore, willing anthro male squirrel pred, willing anthro female stoat prey, unwilling anthro female pangolin prey, public vore.) Spontaneous Sleepover by Bad Manners === Eulis couldn't contain her...
For the Night (vore story)
(Contains: non-fatal same size anal vore, willing anthro male dog pred, willing anthro female pony prey, straight anal sex, threesome, sexuality play.) For the Night by Bad Manners === "Hmmm, yeah...!" Kente moaned as he thrust into...