Jessie Raiye: Reunion

Jessie moaned in pleasure, wiggling under her soft covers. She had awoken from a pleasant dream about her and Derrick and she needed to release her tensions. Her panties were bunched up around one ankle as she rubbed her stocking-clad legs together,...

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Jessie Raiye: The First Date

Derrick grinned up from his position on the couch in the Raiye family living room. Jessie had just walked into the room, dressed up and expecting company, but she was caught completely off guard by Derrick being there. It was a complete surprise,...

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Jessie Raiye: Derrick and Kayden

Derrick shook his head, sending loose water droplets flying. He had already been out of the shower long enough to get dressed, but water always seemed to cling to his head spines. Slowly shutting his locker in the change room, Derrick let out a quiet...

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Jessie Raiye: Sisterly Love

"So, what do you think Jessie has been doing all day?" Vivian asked her sister as they walked into the house after a long day at school. "Probably been in her room, moping cuz she couldn't go to school. Poor thing. She's really taken back by that...

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Halloween Dress-Up (and the fun that it can lead to)

_A special Halloween story I wrote for a special someone. If you enjoy, please vote, favourite and/or comment. I am thinking of maybe starting story commissions. If interested, see my latest...

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