Runaway Victim

Alex flinched as he saw the intense lightning bolt slice through the sky. Even though he knew he shouldn't, in his mind he began mentally counting. 1... 2... 3-CRACKOW! The whole earth shook underneath him, the bridge he was under groaning...

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Coach's Suprise

The football players all ran as fast as they could, doing laps, drills, exercises, running into mills, altogether training for the up-coming season. The day was unusually hot, the sun making a suprise appearance from the clouds to beat down on...

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Bad Story #1

"Now, if you will simply sit down here and hold still for a moment..." Jake did as he was asked, settling down on the examination table and shivering slightly. He was wearing almost nothing, and the drake's ships where known for their cold...

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Martiq worked hard with the sword, swiping and thrusting and shifting from movement to movement as swiftly possible. Today was the final exam for his swordsmanship, and with the bladed longsword as his favorite weapon- the weapon he had come to...

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The Future is Bright

Hulgin bit his lip, his eyes wide open as he searched the road for any people still awake and about. His legs were locked in place, his thigh muscles putting him in a squat that made his legs burn as if on fire. He was willing to put up with it,...

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Of No Value Whatsoever

Chuck kept his fists and arms parallel to his face, stepping side to side and breathing heavily. His opponent, Zash'ni, did the same, bobbing and weaving side to side in a frustratingly hard-to-follow manner. He was hard-pressed to keep up with...

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The Last Day

Troid walked down the street with a smile on his face, his hands in his pockets and clutching his new toy. Not exactly 'new' new, but this was the first time he had used it; a tiny remote control with a radial dial that he twisted with his thumb...

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Hit the Showers

Terric hopped up and down on one foot, his chest heaving with the effort of breathing so fast as he worked out. All around him the room was dark, the barely noticeable shadows of the other class-mates around him as they also worked out. On the...

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It's a trap!

"You sure 'bout this?" Matthew jumped despite himself, looking up at the gruff crocodile and having to gulp loudly before he responded. "Err....yea. Yea, I wanna do it." The crocodile shrugged and turned around, seeming to not care at all...

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"We need to talk..."

"Well, why didn't you just tell me that you wanted something rough then?!" The bunny's loud voice was accentuated by a very loud 'Thwack!'. Micheal yelped and squirmed, tears coming to his eyes. He would love to respond, to talk back to his...

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Warm Morning

Tuleen smiled softly, his lips parting and showing a row of sharp teeth. His lover was right next to him, in his arms. He loved his lover so much. It was morning. He could tell it was morning, he just knew it from the way the air felt. That...

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Day Off

Nick sighed, shivering in the cold and trying to look in through the window of his work station. Although the doors were all locked, and the large metal shuts were latched in place at the garage, he had to be sure that no one was there...

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