hidden Plateau

Hidden plateau By Dracofiend (Kakiro) Imagine a small village on a plateau overlooking a grand field of wild flowers, In the distance nearly twenty miles away you can see a sliver of blue cutting across the landscape leading to a small haunted...

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Eevee's Story

Imagine a wondrous field of wild flowers. Their colors mixing together forming a beautiful rainbow in the field under the watch of an ancient oak tree. These fields extend as far as the eye can see. Nearby dwells a small forest full of vibrant green...

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Plushies And Cubbies

Plushies & Cubbies By Dracofiend (Kakiro) Three small cubs huddled together just within the boundaries of their little cub house. The building just big enough for all three to play with their toy's with a little room left over. Max the eldest of the...

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All Hallow's Fright

All Hallows Fright By Dracofiend (Kakiro) The skunk twins ran out the door laughing ready to do all their trick or treating looking around at the dimly lit street each house decorated for Halloween. The twins glance back at the house as their Mother...


Bunnies Playtime

Bunnies playtime by Dracofiend (Kakiro) The young nine year old bunny looked up at her father giggling softly as he prepared her favorite macaroni and cheese with bits of fried ham. She was bouncing around and giggling the small white bunny...

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Sell Out Mom

Sell Out Mom By Dracofiend (Kakiro) She knew she should not let the man in knowing what would happen but she needed the coins to survive. She had three children and her husband has passed away recently. She needed a way to keep her and her children...

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