Mega Trainer Chapter 18

CHP 18 Seth woke up peacefully and contented, though his balls felt sensitive. Looking at his paws, he saw he was still in umbreon form. Under him, he only felt bed. His head raised, looking about the room, and seeing no signs of Hannah. He...

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Mega Trainer Chapter 16

CHP 16 Seth was the second to awake that morning. What woke him was a kiss from Eve. "How's daddy feeling?" She asked with the sweetest smile he had ever seen. "Morning to you too. Feel better?" "Much. I feel... relieved,...

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Mega Trainer Chapter 15 (X)

CHP 15 That night, the sleeping arrangement was a bit odd. Soul, Sky and Eclipse were on one bed. On the other, Seth and Eve were holding each other. She was still scared so he had decided to try and make her feel safe. He tried his best not to...

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Mega Trainer Chapter 14

CHP 14 Seth returned to the campsite, crawling into the tent. He rolled over next to the girls. Soul let out a muffled noise of content and pushed herself into him. He closed his eyes and attempted to go back to sleep, ignoring the aching in his...

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Mega Trainer Chapter 13 (X)

CHP 13 Seth's dream were troubled that night. Surprisingly however, they were not about their new teammate. Instead, they were flashes of images, like a slideshow. Each picture was different, but they shared one trait: they took place in what was...

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Mega Trainer Chapter 12 (X)

CHP 12 Soul and Sky were in the waiting room of the medical ward of the pokemon center. Sky sat in one of the cushioned chairs, her tail tapping the wall behind her repeatedly. Soul was much more obvious about her anxiousness. She paced back and...

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Mega Trainer Chapter 11

CHP 11 They had made substantial progress since yesterday, running instead of walking for most of the trip, endurance training, Soul called it. They had already passed through Haven, and were about halfway to Everlive, though they were still in the...

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Mega Trainer Chapter 10

CHP 10 Soul awoke the next morning. The first thing she found was that Seth was gone. She was about to wake Sky but then she heard a familiar sound: the shower. She carefully got out of the bed, trying not to wake the sleeping espeon across from her....

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Mega Trainer Chapter 9 (X)

CHP 9 Seth awoke that morning, but he still felt tired. He looked over to the clock, noting how the blankets did not rub any fur, and saw that it was almost noon. He got up slowly and brushed his teeth. He saw in the mirror that he was human...

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Mega Trainer Chapter 8

CHP 8 Seth, Hannah and their pokemon arrived at an area just outside of town that had been cleared of foliage for trainers to use. Currently it was completely abandoned. The group found an area with a couple of benches and the trainers sat down...

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Mega Trainer Chapter 7 (X)

CHP 7 Seth was the first to awake in the morning. He bolted up when he realized where he was, looking around the cave. Luxray was nowhere to be seen. Seth breathed a sigh of relief. Both of the girls were still there and seemed to be fine, Soul...

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Mega Trainer Chapter 6

CHP 6 The sun just began to peek back over the horizon. I was still a mega lucario and continuing down the swampy path towards Haven. I didn't feel the slightest bit tired. My muscles felt like they were tightly compressed and full of energy. Then a...

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