
Alex stood nervously behind the old tree by the bleachers. His palms were sweating. His nose was cold too, but he couldn't focus on that today. It was lightly snowing, and he'd gotten the secret signal from his friend Seth. He stood there rubbing his...

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Ch.23 Movement 3. Rapido

\*\* Dalten Sr stared ahead of him. His wife, Vi, breathed hugely through her equine mouth and nostrils. Labor was well underway. In another room down the hall, his grandson had been born. Dalten Sr. had only eyes for Vi, and his new foal though....

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Ch.22. (Movement 3) Sforzando

Ch.22. Sforzando \*\* Ken stood at attention. It was graduation day. His mom and dad were in the stands. So were Jacob's somewhere. The citations were read off. He hadn't graduated with high marks, or a stellar record, but he did graduate with the...

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Ch.21 (Moverment 3) Overture.

Dalten Samuel Taylor Jr gently raised the baton to it's full height. He could hear the many whisperings and soft noises of musicians getting instruments ready. He paused before bringing the baton down, beginning the final movement of Beethoven's 8Th....

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Ch.20 (Movement 2). Espressivo

Ch.20 Dalten sat in the studio room he'd been ushered into. This was the day of his voice over. The room was spare, a huge video screen hung on the wall in front of him, the logo of the recording company stood out in contrast against the black. Two...

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Ch.19 (Movement 2) Moving

Ch.19 Movement 2. Moving. \*\* "Move back from the screen mom....I can barely see you...." "He's where?" Dalten stared at the video screen not really able to think much after the last sentence. His mother's resigned sigh was all he really...

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Ch.18 (Movement 2) Diablo

_Ch.18. (Movement 2) Diablo_ _\*\*_ Dalten and Rick had checked into a hotel, and Dal had called Marc, the representative from his new publisher, as soon as they were settled. He quickly outlined the situation as Rick took a shower. The black equine...

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Ch.17. (Movement 2) Changing Times

Ch. 17 (Movement 2) Changing Times \*\* Politics weren't what they were in the old days before the Final Founding. People had gotten rather nasty towards the end. Tempers would flare, claims were made, many times false, and slander was the name of...

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Ch 16 (Movement 2) Interlude

\*\* Dal let out a huge sigh as they entered their apartment. It had been weeks ago, but at this point, Dal had really no energy left. He and Rick would be off in a few days for some type of photoshoot, and fame and glory. _Pah! Some thing to have,...

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Ch 15 (Movement 2) Trio

Ch15. Trio \*\* Ken sat in his class listening to the older instructor drone on about cargo weights, explosives handling, and all the minutia that existed in the world of being a "gunner's mate." Kelten was beginning to have an idea that maybe...

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Ch. 14 (Movement 2) Adagio

Ch 14. Adagio \*\* Dal scribbled furiously in his book, his forelock kept getting in his eye. Rick gasped, again, as turbulence shook the plane. Rick clutched Dal's arm and whined. "Tell me again, why did we agree to this?" Rick glanced at the gray...

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One simple question...

_What would he be like? _ It was a question that swirled and bubbled in my brain, forever surfacing ever since I'd found out about him. One long agonizing year ago I found out I wasn't alone. My parents had died several years back, and a strange...

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