Family Values Ch4

The mouse quietly slipped out of the house after finalizing a few more plans with Shane about finances, bills, staff and of course, babysitting duties. The most important thing that Shane had to worry about was making sure his dad was on time for his...

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Family Values ch3

Shane watched his dad bend over the rocking chair. He licked his lips as he watched the chubby stallion brace his thick mittens against the toy, causing the dildo to wiggle thanks to the shaky rocking it caused. He knew his dad was so completely...

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Family Values Ch2

The room was silent save for the moans coming from the television, and the rustle of a butt plug being pushed in and out of a backside through a diaper. Shane watched his dad without shame as he continued to stroke his shaft. his eyes locked on his...

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The Jade Empire: Ch3

I watched as the most unusually dressed man slowly walked down the stairs. His pale purple painted hooves clopped gently onto the wooden staircase with each step. The person was tall. I mean, the captain was at least a hand taller than me, this...

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The Jade Empire: Ch2

Despite the guard captain hearing my grumbling, he still paid Magnus and had his fellow guardsmen unload my cage into the back of a hand-cart. Magnus gave me another friendly "Farewell my friend!" Before leading his cart back down the...

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The Jade Empire: Ch1

Now, I am no pacifist by any means. I've done my share of fighting off wild beasts who decided our foragers would make an easy meal. In fact, it worked out well for filling our larders for the winter. But for the first time in my life, I actually...

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The Jade Empire: Prologue

According to my father, it has been twelve cycles since the Equines came from beyond the sea of stars. Nobody knows why they came to our world, though with how feverishly they focused on expanding their massive farms for the aqua fungus and...

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