Chapter 3 of Tales of Woe
Jeremiah Beta, September 27th 2016, 11:34pm
I paced back and forth across the hospital waiting room floor. I kept glancing at the door, waiting for someone to come out and tell me the...
Birth, Ferret, Fox, Gay Relationships
Chapter 9 of Tales of Woe
Ted Valentine, September 28th, 2:24pm
I shifted my feet to position myself better. Fifty feet away from me, a half-empty sprite can, and all I saw was a little, shiny glint in the sunlight. I had glasses, but...
Fox, Gay, Gay Relationships, Hybrid, Hyena, Magic, Otter, Teenagers, Wolf, Zebra
Chapter 8 of Tales of Woe
Psijius, September 28th, 2:24 PM
I was sitting at a Starbucks with Adeline, sipping at my pitch black cup of coffee as she downed her smoothie and ate her bagel. We'd come to really... appreciate more about each other than...
Hyena, Kangaroo, Magic
Chapter 4 of Tales of Woe
Cipher, August 5th, 1937, 2:14pm
I used to be very close to my brother, I didn't like choosing favorites, but of my siblings- or even family members in general, being around Psijius was the...
Death, Hyena, Magic
Chapter 11 of Tales of Woe
Alex Beta, September 28th, 3:17pm
I was sitting on Kyle's and Ciph's lawn reading the Arcanomicon, when I felt my phone vibrate. I pulled it out and instinctually flipped it open, expecting a...
Fox, Gay, Gay Relationships, Hybrid, Hyena, Magic, Wolf
Chapter 10 of Tales of Woe
Dean, September 28th, 2:41 pm
I felt myself lulled awake by the sun shining through the car windshield and the radio playing some song about haters and players. I sat up and looked around the inside...
Gay, Gay Relationships, Lizard, Reindeer
Chapter 6 of Tales of Woe
Angmallen, 28thof September, 11:13 am
I was sitting at my desk, having a conversation with someone that wasn't there. Don't get me wrong, I'm not insane, but all the officers think I am. I do...
Bunny, Hyena, Magic
Chapter 5 of Tales of Woe
Psijius, September 27th 2016, 4:55pm
I was running for my life. Now, most people would think this tedious and ridiculous, but personally I had some reasoning. First off, just because one can use...
Hyena, Kangaroo, Magic
Chapter 13 of Tales of Woe
Seth Cranilus, September 29th, 11:02 AM
I was sitting on the couch thumbing through the blank pages of the Arconomicon, looking for anything, any kind of mark that would let me read it. I felt the...
Gay, Hybrid, Hyena, Magic, Teenagers
Chapter 12 of Tales of Woe
Marko, September 29th, 8:02 AM
_Space. Time. Neither can be separate from the other. Space, without time, lacks motion, change, beginning and end. Time, without space, lacks diversity, use, and purpose....
Cuddling, Gay, Gay Relationships, Lion, Magic, Teenagers, Tiger
Frantically searching through a stack of papers a quarter inch thick isn't easy, especially if you don't exactly know what you're looking for. This was me, Alex, and Ted for about thirty minutes, until we finally decided it's best to just go through...
Fox, Gay, Otter, Teenagers
When it's your first time at a bording school, and you meet seven kids with three Xboxes, you enter a state of a perfect circle of friends. After hooking up live to work between said Xboxes, we played Halo until the jocks caught on. Jealous and envious...
Folf, Fox, Gay, Gay Relationships, Highschool, Otter, Teenagers, Twins