Fluffybutt Prose Poem: Crumbs

The boarders do not know where they are. All they can call it is Hell. A boarding house with no apparent exit. A demented menagerie of lost souls and demons. When they aren't looking for an exit, the lost souls are having their skin ripped off them...

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Fluffybutt Prose Poem: Fear

It is a rare opportunity for rats to declare themselves the ruler of anything; Always in fear of starvation, they eat whatever they can find, edible or not, willing to risk self-poisoning if it means living one more day. Yet, through the leadership of...

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Fluffybutt Prose Poem: Tamzin

She bursts from a pillar of ice, the slopes and curves of her turning form mesmerizing those who catch sight of her. Tamzin, the glorious fruit of a passionate dragon and a zealous hyena, dances at the summit of Yenaden mountain to stir her perfumes in...

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Fluffybutt Prose Poem: Peppermint

Little is ever seen of Peppermint, but the fruit of her labor can be seen in the sparkling, glistening trees of Candaroo valley. Elusive as a fox, this husky watches the responses to her sugarplum trees from the safety of a thicket. Delighted children...

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Fluffybutt Prose Poem: Bugz

Did you ever wonder if the afterlife had its own nursery? It does, under the supervision of Bugz. She is the gaurdian of fledgeling spirits, as appointed by the guild of Angel Dragons. Among the realm of humans, there is a myth that the afterlife is a...

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Fluffybutt Prose Poems: Midnight

He comes from a long line of mafia goons. He fights for the justice of his home country's citizen. He boxes blindfolded in representation of his ancestors' missing moral compass. He is Midnight, the boxer fox. "You can't put out the lights when they're...

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Fluffybutt Prose Poem: Shep

When it comes to career cred, Shep holds the monopoly on it. The "dog of duty," as he is known (quite literally) among his colleagues, is the lead recruiting officer behind the army of his home country Sheperdinia, the estate broker who designed the...

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Fluffybutt Prose Poem: Hugo

Take a dip in the Shynimeron sea, and chances are, you'll encounter Hugo, a shark not so much interested in munching on intruders than partying all summer long with his fellow inflatable friends. Beach balls fly and surfboards sail when the Shynimeron...

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Fluffybutt Prose Poem: Arya

Look, a blustery streak of steam in the sky; it is the flight of Arya, soaring from one cloud factory to the next. Like the dandelion seed discovered by Horton, each cloud leads to a distant civilization, just on the margins of human access. Arya...

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Fluffybutt Prose Poems: Vesrynn

As little known the act of universe-hopping is to mankind, angel dragons have made unfathomable leaps, inspiring some of them to consider it a duty. Determined to restore hope to his human companion Henry, Vesrynn navigates the bleak, foggy abyss...

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Fluffybutt Prose Poems: Meds

Look in any bottle of your medical inventory. Do you see a rolaid or an aspiring staring back? No, you see a vulpine witch doctor peddling whatever psychosis will free you from your social obligations. Meds deals in meds from a secluded hut on an...

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Fluffybutt Prose Poems: Beth

Nomadic as a wandering troubadour, Beth the Fortune Fennec drives her moose-drawn caravan from village to village, offering in exchange for jewelry mystical revelations and lemonade, although the latter is more often chosen. A shame, considering her...

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