The Forgotten Experiment: the beginning of the end?

Shad had the clipboard in his hand writing down the instructions as Damion gave them to him. He was sitting down at the Control panel of the huge chamber. Damion was over tinkering with the machinery, trying to reattatatch a "few things". He'd been at...

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Warmth of a good friend

"Hurry up and Die, I wanna play!" Alana said with a giggle. She grabbed Preston playfully by the shoulders. Preston was playing a fighting game on his new console he had just gotten for a birthday gift a couple days ago. However, with the sudden feel...

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The Forgotten Experiment: Truth and Lies (part 2)

Shad sat in the office chair and spun around playfully as he pondered on how to treat the situation. He asked himself what he would do with Damion when he woke up. He stopped and looked over at the couch. He had lifted Damion's heavy weight up to the...

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Unexpected Surprise part 2

David sat down on his couch, fluffing a blanket over top of Amy. He had turned his thermostat up a little to warm the place. He usually liked it on about 65...

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