Together Again, Torn Apart, and Work Ahead: Darkside keeps its secrets

Dante pushes his way through the crowd of people. He had money. But what was this money? They use gold coins? He didn't understand. He didn't remember any country in the world that used solid, blank gold coins as currency. Then again, neither Zuth nor...

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The Town of Tanza, The Sage, and The Camp

It's very sunny out and warm. There isn't a cloud in the sky. Dante murrs softly as he glides through the air. He decides to embrace his element. The tip of his tail bursts into a large flame that soon calms to a medium orb. His hide tans to a bright...

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The First Day: Fight To Survive

Zuth groans, shuddering a lot. He get on his hands and knees and coughs; shuddering more. "Ohhh...what the hell...happened?" He coughs again. "How long was I out?" He hears a soft grunt. "Damn, slept long enough didn't you?" Zuth...

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It Begins

If anyone wishes to be in this story/have one of their characters in this story, just comment on this or contact me, I'll talk briefly with you about whoever you wish to be in here, if I want to put them in, send me an e-mail with a description of...

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