Dawn of Chaos Pt 2

At this time I was very confused about who or what or where I was, I wasn't in control of my body, and I had been transformed into a rather large, and I had to admit handsome, anthro dragon which was cool, but rather impractical for everyday life. As I...

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Chapter 1: Prelude to Chaos

I floated through empty space, turning and twisting in darkness so absolute, that closing my eyes changed nothing of the landscape. A light breeze brushed across my skin suddenly coming from nowhere and everywhere all at once, causing the darkness to...

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Dawn of Chaos Pt 15

I left the bodies where they were in the back alley and continued on my way back to the slums, idly musing, maybe I could find a library somewhere and brush up on the history of the times since Kazath was banished, it was something I would have to look...

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