Wanderings Teaser

Hello peoples! I've actually gotten something written and wanted to share it with you to get some feedback. This is the intro to a story I'm writing tentatively called 'Wanderings'. It's based in a world of my own creation named Tasirith. I know that...

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Fox McCloud & Falco: A New Beginning

So, here's another installment of Fox McCloud and Falco that some of you have maybe been waiting for. Yes it is a bit more of a love story than sex story (though there is a bit of sex), and it is pretty short, but maybe you will enjoy it. To be...

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Little Big Brother

Alright, it's a bit different than what I usually write, but I thought it might be interesting. What it's about is that a skunk (Arnold) loses his father and baby brother in a car wreck which causes his mother to go into deep depression, so he tries to...

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Foxxie's Transformation

This is a backstory explaining my transformation from a fox to a squirrel, nothing more. So yep, I'm not a fox anymore, I'm a lovely bushy tailed squirrel ^^ (Voting is disabled since this is just a backstory) Foxxie, a 6 foot tall red fox,...

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Tommy and his plushie

This is a story I thought up and scribbled down in a couple of hours, it's about Tommy, a plushoplillic fox, and his new plushie, a life sized squirrel plush...Is it to obvious that I really love squirrels? :) Anyway, enjoy, don't get your expectations...

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Rolos - Summer Camp (Part One)

Rolos - Summer Camp Sam jumped from the mini-bus and landed on the soft ground with a muffled thump; eyes closed he breathed in deeply, taking in the scent of nature. The grey wolf sure did love the outdoors, the bright green grass, the sound of the...

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League of Assassins

**Well this has been sitting in my drafts for a while, I decided to post it today. I will try and continue this story when I can** " April 14th 1912, It was a dark and stormy night. Thousands of people freezed to death in the stinging cold on that...

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Introduction of Kitty Softpaws: Life's beginning

**Life for Kitty Softpaws started on June 1st 1893, she was a daughter of a very rich businessman and his wife, she lived an easy life in Moscow, Russia but in January 1912, she moved to Southampton, The United Kingdom with her family to expand her...

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Tony the Penectomized Stallion

Well, I had intended to finish this story with about 6 different guys pounding this poor stallion, but I changed my mind, mostly because I've got several more stories partially finished and partly because...Well, I think it might be better without a...

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Student, Teacher

Interesting take on typical student x teacher stories. Written quickly for your pawing pleasure, so don't excpect Nobel Prize for Literature quality, it's a sex story. And for you people who just want to read for the sex, it doesn't start until part...

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Jack and Bum

Quick little story about Jack, a skunk, Bum, a rabbit, and Al, a roo. Don't expect much more than fapping material. Enjoy! I Jack paced in the waiting room, his long skunk tail swishing around nervously, which was a tad annoying to the other...

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An Antoine & Rotor Quickie

Just a quick story done in under an hour because I haven't uploaded anything in the last year or so. Don't expect much. Yes I am working on several other stories, but real life stuff always gets in the way... * * * Rotor slammed his fists onto the...

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