Sierra and Kiki - Best of Friends

Sierra and Kiki - Best of Friends 'Such a lovely summers day,' Kii thought to herself as she sipped on her drink. 10 O'clock on a Saturday day morning. The sun was shining, birds were singing, and a blissful gentle breeze buffeted the large umbrella...

Sierra and Wolfs Wedding

Sierra's Wedding The morning sun was lovely and warm, and Kiki and Sierra weaved their way through the crowds on a busy Melbourne street. "Wow, I didn't think there would be this many furs out on a weekday," Sierra said as she squeezed through a...

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The First Meeting - Part 2

The First Meeting - Part 2 I felt uncomfortable. Gemma and I walked through the shopping centre. She looked into store windows, almost dragging me along. I had told her that she needed her own clothes, as most of mine were much too big for her....

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The First Meeting - Part 1

The First Meeting - Part 1 "True love! Don't be an idiot!" my mate told me. "You don't know her! You know nothing about her; not where she lives, her name, what she looks like, nothing at all." "But I know she's out there, loser!" I shouted back to...

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Transformation - Chapter 1-10

Transformation Prologue Our kind has always been different. Different in many ways. The way we act and talk. The way we fight. Even how we look. But no one ever thought we were still normal people. That we still were the same people they grew...

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Missing In Action

Heya Everyone, this story is for a trade I'm doing with a friend on Deviantart. Its a mature story so I can't post it there, but at least she also has an FA page, so I'll post it there as well as letting you guys here read it. The main story is...

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Valentines Day

Ok , I know that it is a little early for a Valentines Day Story, but I wrote this for a competion on Deviantart. I hope everyone likes it! Cause I loved writing...

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My Daughter

My Daughter I have always wanted to be a father, but never expected to actually become one. I could never keep a girl friend long enough to even ask them to marry me, let alone procreate with me. But the day my little bundle of joy fell into my...

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Arti's Plans - Part 2

**Part 2 of my story, things are starting to heat up** Arti stirred in his sleep, opening his eyes and looking over in the bed. The sheets had been thrown back, and the fur who had been there was no longer to be found. "Arti, I'm worried," he...

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Arti's Plans

**My First try at something with bondage in it, Hope everyone likes it!** She was unaware of him as he quietly snuck up behind her. She washed the dishes as he rose her red collar up, and when she put down the plate she was holding did he snap...

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Quicky in The Bathroom

The bass was pumping hard in the night club, the alchole flowed steadily from the bar and bodies pressed against one another on the dance floor as furs of all kinds danced to the head pounding beat. Ricky, a slim rather effeminate looking red wolf...

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