The Matrix: Deja Vu Theory
\>_How was your day?_ _ _ _\>Same old same old._ _ _ _\>Same old what?_ _ _ _\>You know. Office work stuff. Papers and stacks of things. Boring stuff. How about you?_ _ _ _\>Same old same old._ _ _ _\>Aw come on. You've gotta tell me...
Fucked Four Ways from Sunday
Before you, resting down on the floor, on her knees, or as close as she could get to her knees, having an extra joint in them which caused her to rest and tilt her legs sideways, flaring her oh so curved hips outward even more, is a sangheilian woman....
Bending the Rules
Cale sped through traffic on his smaller one seat hover bike, dodging and weaving between the larger craft in his lane. Today, or tonight he should say, was the big day. He'd finally broken his stretch of bad luck it seemed. Jobs were hard to come by...
Hidden Sunshine
The morning sun rose, casting a deep orange glow upon the older district. Already, early rising beings had taken off on skiffs or boats if they were too poor to afford the latter. Nets were made ready, and soon, the wharf would become bustling, filled...
Halloween Special: The Thing
Somewhere in Africa, Edge of Savanah Grasslands Jennifer stood at the edge of the fence, looking out to the savannah. Beside her, a man looked out with her. She'd known him for most of his life. Dr. Peter. She looked out, down the road as a...
Halo: Lost and Found
Douglas walked along the titanium deck plating of the armoury, checking his gear along the way. As another trooper walked past, a fellow man that served in the same elite division he did, Douglas gave him a nudge with his elbow. "Hey. You see the...
Terminator: Dying Sparks
Carter climbed up the ladder, through a cold concrete shaft, a ritual he performed daily without fail. The sliding of the manhole that covered his home in what was left of these long forgotten sewers from better days. Ash, soot, and rubble spilled...
The Grass is Greener
Blinding white. That was all he saw. But if felt like something too. It was white, but it seemed to stretch on, for as far as one could see. But it was filled, packed to the brim. It felt crowded. But his eyes told him that he was encompassed by...
Species: Baser Instincts
From the rooftops on high, in the cold air, she watched. Who she was looking for, was the question. From the highest point in this small mountain town, she watched all the people down below, as they went about their business. Most were easy to read,...
Bridging the Gap
Jack stumbled through the doorway to the shop, groaning as he heard the all too familiar music playing. Very old, classical music. He banged his hand on the frame of the craft that sat suspended in the shop. "Dammit Abbey, it's too early for that...
Confessions of the Nothing Man
Somewhere in England, 1850 The door creaked open, as the sound of rainfall outside could be heard as it shuttered to a close. In its wake, stepped a man clad in a large overcoat. The man stepped into an old shop, the air of paper greeting him, as...
Stranger in a Strange Land
Wind howled, and sand blew, seemingly without end. Engines sputtered and gave one last push, before giving out. Before long, another large, slow moving craft had crashed back down onto the sand with a thump, followed by the swearing and cursing of its...