
I was waiting at my table, in this classy restaurant called... Actually do we really give a shit about the place's name seriously? So I was waiting at my table and that waiter walked to me and asked my name. First of all, why did he want my name?...

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Ssh-chat:\ has left ssh-chat:\ has left \wtf ssh-chat:\ has joined \crazyki76 \wtf happn?

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What a Dark Secrets Does Thou Hold?

"LEADER-SAMAAAAAA!!!" Pein flinched as he heard the cheery yell of foreboding doom, with a deep sigh he looked up from his desk "now what" he grumbles. Rimmon, who was reporting in from her mission, shrugs "She's your problem" she chuckles morbidly as...

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Obamastory (very immature)

But just then rick astley attacked the city with paper doll man onix: woah onix go onix: onix onix obama: onix use thunderbolt wtf he doesn't have that move actually didn't i mention earlier that brock obama didn't actually have any pokemon?

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Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 3

wtf!......................holy shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!! look at him, he's humungous!' chet said at the sight of kauto's giant figure on the floor in the rubble of the broken bed.

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The Exchange Student - Hard Landing In Finland

Then she told me that she was karo, and i guess i gave a bit of a wtf face and i'm glad i didn't just blurt out that i thought that karo was a dude's name, but guess you never know with these foreign names.

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Wtf is with my dreams?

It's been some time seance I had a dream that I thought was worth telling you... So this one makes up for a lot of lame dreams/ nights with no dreams. I was in car with... Someone... I really don't know who it was. I could tell we where in a parking...

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Ch. 4 Dieing is easy its living thats a pain in the ass

"wtf were you guys doing!?!" "can we talk about this later runt?"as the sound of a machine gun fireing filled the air.

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Chapter 1: A new threat

Ssh-chat:\ has left ssh-chat:\ has left \wtf ssh-chat:\ has joined \crazyki76 \wtf happn??

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Eloisat tyynyt

"wtf, nämä tyynythän elävät!" andy sanoi, samalla hetkellä vixy nousi sohvalta ja katsahti rintojensa väliin korjaten samalla toppinsa asentoa. "ooh, pieni mies, mistäs sinä siihen tupsahdit?" hän kysyi huomatessaan andyn.

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DnD Story

Kill the snails have all but the rouge and me get fully knocked out everyone lives with 1 hp and a snail spits acid on me knocking me out my party leaves the cave without me me: \*wakes up and goes deeper into the cave\* dm: make 12 stealth checks me: wtf
