To Forge a Bond: Chapter Two

The solid wooden door swung open as Alicia stepped through, grinning at the end of her school day. Her backpack was too large for the thin-framed girl; draped over her shoulder and comically shifting her posture. She stopped as she entered the living...

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To Forge a Bond: Chapter Two

The solid wooden door swung open as Alicia stepped through, grinning at the end of her school day. Her backpack was too large for the thin-framed girl; draped over her shoulder and comically shifting her posture. She stopped as she entered the living...

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Purest Pedigree

Daniel took a deep breath of the salty air. Mingled with the salt of the sea was the pollen that blanketed the park. To a more poetic or unaware sort, it would have seemed that spring had a profound effect on those hanging around in the park. Since...

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Pony Privileges

Rebecca strode down the street, tired but still smiling after what felt like a long day at school. The nine-year-old mare jumped between the grass on the roadside and the sidewalk laid atop of it. The street was long and extended further by high hills....

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Mother's Day

"They'll be about thirty minutes." A blond horse said as he sat at the table. In his forty-something years of life, Jason had lost most of his figure. Where once his equine body was taut and strong, it was now soft and pudgy. He didn't mind all too...

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