This new novella contains lots of sexual activity between Trisha, our well known female big cat tamer, and her four beloved tomcats. It's a pure work of fiction and entirely made up inside my running free mind. The events I describe...
Feline, Lion, Other/Herm, Panther, Story Series, Tiger, Zoophilia
This new novella contains lots of sexual activity between Trisha, our well known female big cat tamer, and her four beloved tomcats. It's a pure work of fiction and entirely made up inside my running free mind. The events I describe...
Camp, Feline, Fondling, Lion, Oral, Other/Herm, Story Series, Zoophilia
This new novella contains lots of sexual activity between Trisha, our well known female big cat tamer, and her four beloved tomcats. It's a pure work of fiction and entirely made up inside my running free mind. The events I describe...
Aqua Sex, Cuddling, Ejaculation, Feline, Never Seen Sex Act, Other/Herm, Story Series, Tiger, Vaginal, Wet, Zoophilia
This new novella contains lots of sexual activity between Trisha, our well known female big cat tamer, and her four beloved tomcats. It's a pure work of fiction and entirely made up inside my running free mind. The events I describe...
Cuddling, Ejaculation, Feline, M/F, Panther, Story Series, Vaginal, Zoophilia
### Mykie (Part 2): Beste Freundinnen für immer...
Da ich über die „heimlichen Badevergnügungen" meiner Zimmergenossin nun ja im Bilde war achtete ich selbstverständlich besonders darauf was sich zwischen ihr und unserem Mykie so ergab. Leider...
Ejaculation, Feline, Fondling, German Language, Lion, M/F, Realistic, Sex, Short, Vaginal, Zoophilia, animal
Meine Schwester Titilayo und ich, wir schlenderten Seite an Seite gemütlich den ausgetretenen Sandpfad entlang, so wie immer eben zu Wochenbeginn. Es war früh am Morgen, die Sonne schob sich hinter den kargen Baumwipfeln hervor und ich war müde,...
African, Bestiality, Ejaculation, Female Human, Fondling, German Language, Lion, M/F, Realistic, Secret Love, Short, Sisters, Titilayo, Twins, Zoophilia, amara, cum in pussy, male lion
### Working can be fun, even for a princess...
Jasmine quickened her step. Nice as it was being the princess of Agrabah it came with one essential flaw: Boredom. Representing nobility, talking to other princesses and princes and such things, not...
Adult, Bestiality, Cartoony, Disney, Ejaculation, Feline, Jasmine, M/F, Missionary, Tiger, Vaginal, Zoophilia, rajah
**## Ein völlig überraschender Besuch**
Ein dumpfes Geräusch außerhalb der Hütte ließ Shanika von der ihr zugeteilten Arbeit aufschrecken. Sie legte leise seufzend den Stößel neben den Mörser, rappelte sich vom Arbeitstisch hoch und ging...
African, Bestiality, Ejaculation, Fondling, German Language, Lion, M/F, Realistic, Secret Love, Short, Zoophilia