The Sweetest Ingredient

The Sweetest Ingredient By Zatarra L. Vulpe Carter stared at the dog as he trotted by. He frowned a little as he considered the golden fur, his pot belly, the barking laughter as he spoke to the rabbit next to him with a slight lisp. The club's...

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Cute Couple

Cute Couple By Zatarra L. Vulpe Adius was sitting in a little café he'd never been to before. There were people talking clacking netbook keys and laughing about better times, but Adius was silent. His legs were drawn together and arms practically...

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Here Kitty Kitty

# Here Kitty Kitty By Zatarra L. Vulpe Adius was bouncing to the beat. It wasn't what he wanted. Certainly the music was intense enough to carry the lion through dancing laser beams and thudding base hits, but something about it... It didn't reach...

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Pushing Buttons

Pushing Buttons By Zatarra L. Vulpe Marilyn's car was still smoking when she stepped out of the side door. She sighed, popped the hood and glanced over the interior. She knew nothing about cars. She did know they weren't supposed to be smoking. ...

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Give and Give

Give and Give By Zatarra L. Vulpe "Smuggling a little red in there?" Trevor asked. "A ha ha ha." The wolf replied. The chair hissed a bit when Trevor took his seat next to the wolf. He was probably about a head shorter than she was, but he was...

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Those Who Encounter It Will Be Consumed

Those Who Encounter It Will Be Consumed By Zatarra L. Vulpe. Nathan Japanese buildings seem to break down like American ones. There were chips of paint rising off of pale walls. The windows were clouded, covered in dust and rubbed down by...

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Valhen's Test

Valhen's Test By Zatarra L Vulpe The 'lair' was in sight. Sir Valhen felt something of dragon fear creep into his stride, but he was fortified behind his plate mail and shield. The armor was shiny, new, inscribed with many scenes of Valhen's...

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Head Case

Head Case By Zatarra L. Vulpe The window took not even a full minute to open. Jek poked his beanie capped head in. Nothing. It was pure white inside, kind of like those utopist colonies near Saturn. He didn't know they still sprung for the...

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Good Dog

Good Dog By Zatarra L. Vulpe "Good dog." Luke squirmed in bed. His voice was lost in his throat. He tried to grab his sheets but they kept slipping through his fingers. "Good puppy." Luke kept blinking, but the room stayed dark, his legs squirming...

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Half n' Half

Half 'n Half By Zatarra L. Vulpe "Say, would you mind if I had a drink?" Nick just looked at the guy. The guy was too formal, wearing a tux and hair slicked back, silken red gloves over his hands and matching sunglasses, at night. Nick was in his...

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What Is To Belong

What Is To Belong By Zatarra L. Vulpe I used to have a thing for gaming. I felt like my hands were more comfortable over a controller than even on the steering wheel. Thanks to a few programs I'd figured out I was in the top ten percent of the games...

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The Life Of Brian

The Life of Brian By Zatarra L. Vulpe "Brian." "Yes sir?" "You've done good today, I think we can get one of the interns to handle it from here, go have a good weekend, okay?" "Yes sir, thank you very much sir." "Not a problem at all, wanna keep...

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