I will wait for you.
Just a caring sound from you, simple heartfelt phrase, to hear i love you. patiently i try to wait. holding on to us. keeping what is dear. my soul cringes with each tick, clocks toll resounding.
The Lead Crown: Ch 7a, Un-Escaping (Pt 3)
It was an emotional and heartfelt affair, made all the more poignent for her due to the fact that she had, in some small way, been the catalyst for them finding one another... even if it had been inadvertant.
Both engraved in soul breathing till their demise pages scorched with heat functioning with a smirk or sulk founded on fictions beliefs or heartfelt warmth unison of all employed by self-worth
The First Post of the New Year!
Also speaking of the good, i want to offer everyone my heartfelt thanks for all the support this past year. my page has grown a lot from where it was and it's great to see so many people enjoying the stories i've put so much time and effort into.
Till the end...
Composure begins to unwind when that happens, forgive me for my pitiful tears & cries to say i cared very little would be the biggest of lies we weren't related by blood, but family is how you treated me you gave wisdom with choice, & always answers heartfelt
Shaken again, an old feeling is all that's proceeded no motion to make for change what's left is the same old kinda "strange" a day dream of a nightmare still filled with fear it's blinding, always binding, an ember to flicker in those that are heartfelt
Sudden Dunce....
Painful with any touch i walked by a heart i knew long ago, & for the life of me, i slipped nothing in my path but old memories, i went on a mental slide & physically tripped a look back never took so much time to make relief was given when i saw only a heartfelt
I walk in circles at times, forgetting i have nowhere to be lost in heartfelt moments, i drift through days lost in times no longer free always wandering memories never far from thought i can't seem to settle the hopes still high above clouds never ending
Pursuing That Unmistakable Howl
Usually resumes the search the next day for when discouraged so routinely by no visible results passion occasionally withdraws but he tries to keep those discouraged feelings and sadness very much at bay the canine creature gives off a heartfelt
After the Hustle
Judy's voice was barely anything above a whisper, but her words were heartfelt, and she could tell by the way nick's ears twitched in her direction that he was giving her his undivided attention.
Mickey's Transcendance into the Public Domain 2024
Mickey could see heartfelt tears pooling in disney's eyes as he spoke. " you have made me into the man that i was in life, and now it is time for you to spread some of that same hope and inspiration to the world in ways i could've never imagined.
Dear Diary
A singing dove, a heartfelt sob, is it you where i may find such love? sigh.... i can't wait until tomorrow... first kiss? second date? :d:d:d:d:d:d:d i think so! :d:d:d:d:d march 24.