Harem Vignettes 1

kylan spun around to lay on his back once more, with his head by the edge of the bed, and diya got down on all fours above him, with her rump offered to sarahi and her pussy above kylan's nose.

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Prayer and Demon 8.5 - Midnight Side-Story

Then she turned her head to the side, to flash a sympathetic smile to kylan, and motioned with her free hand for him to join them. kylan gratefully pushed aside his blanket and crawled toward the beckoning hand. "what about her?"

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Harem Vignettes 2

He grunted instead, keeping supportive hands on kylan's back, though he released much of the pressure to provide kylan the opportunity to stand on his own power again. kylan nodded, breathing deep, deliberate breaths.

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Ghost in the Stones 6 - Third Delve

Quirking a brow, kylan reached out and pulled the book away from the wall. the wall erupted in cracks, and swiftly fell apart as soon as the book was claimed. kylan had to back-step quickly to avoid getting his toes mashed.

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Ghost in the Stones 5 - Family Meeting and Neighbors

kylan reached forward slowly, letting his hand hover above the chest. "may i?" he looked askance at oro...who just pushed it closer, looking slightly offended that kylan would entertain the idea that oro might mistake him for a thief.

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Prayer and Demon 12 - Returning to the MIssion

kylan asked, casually flipping through the first few pages of the relatively short book.

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Prayer and Demon 10 - Approach to the Treasury

A sharp whistle drew their attention to the tunnel kylan and grik had climbed. the pair were standing there once more, kylan waving the lamp so they could be seen. "stand back!"

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Prayer and Demon 17 - Meeting the In-Laws and Missing Parents

Diya and kylan dragged the blanket over them all, curling up on either side of the line: diya against tuli's back and kylan on oro's other side.

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