Zootopia: First Salvo part 9
Why the fluck do we have a navy and marine corps if we won't use them to kill those tiger freaks! the only thing those monsters will understand is brutal force!
Chapter 8: First Salvo
Chapter 8 of first salvo; jackson completes navy boot camp.
Zootopia: First Salvo Chapter 16
The navy seals who are "tanuki-centric" with otters.
Cold as Steel (A Flexible Survival Fan Fiction) Part 6
Seated next to samorn as she spoke was her closest friend and 'secret' lover, navy corpsman brice da silva.
Unstable Serenity - Prologue
"well, you see i originally wanted to join the navy and drive ships around the ocean, but with so many incidents like ships capsizing, stories of shipman dying of hypothermia and other events like the red october, i drove my interests elsewhere, so i then
Unstable Serenity - Chapter 12, False Accusations
Max's POV con't _Guantanimo Bay - 36 Hours Later_ "I'm not a terrorist!" I exclaimed. But no matter what I did to try to explain myself, my accuser kept torturing me. Similar to when Zarith was torturing me, he used the waterboarding technique. But...
Unstable Serenity - Chapter 11, A Hero's Welcome
Max's POV Throughout the helicopter ride to the north, all you could hear was those loud rotorblades, and feel that vivid vibration. After the whole fiasco that went down hours earlier, we were all dead tired, and I could see Steven sleeping on my...
Zootopia: First Salvo Chapter 7
Zootopian navy....how did you get out here? can you hear me? open your eyes if you can....."
Zootopia: First Salvo part 3
#41 of zootopia fictions jackson begins basic training for the navy.
Zootopia: First Salvo Chapter 18
I also did three years at camp pendleton in california with the marine's "school of infantry" and the navy hovercraft command at acu-5. i grew up within an extensive family military linage dating back to the days of sail with the british royal navy.
Zootopia: First Salvo 15
We are expecting to turn you to our correspondent gary gnu at the navy department where the navy spokes-mammal, commander bucky zel will be addressing the media and all of us on what the official primer for this news conference called....a serious situation
Unstable Serenity - Chapter 18, Battle Preparations
Maybe i'll be pardoned and return to the navy. i love my job and i would do anything for a second chance to get it back.