Rakhouse rendezvous 14
You're gonna be a really hot eunuch, ray..." "a... a hot eunuch." ray repeated a shiver running down his thick spine, he wasn't sure he wanted to be a good hot eunuch...
A geldings embrace...
#3 of gelding lovin's hooves meets a sexy zebra stud colt... who wants to use the gelding for his pleasure... gotta love horny younger studs just for their ability to rebound... oh to be young again...
The roan gelding whimpered weakly, as the black stallion smiled down at him gloatingly, holding up that severed roan balsac. "oho gods i'm a gelding."
The Half-Neutered Half-Wolf
"Lady Ranni?" Blaidd's voice was as familiar to Ranni as the grass outside her tower, if not moreso. She turned to face him, making quick note of the visible anxiety that so rarely graced his wolven features. The typically brazen half wolf was...
What's it like?
Jordan chuckled as he winked at the hew gelding, even while leading cameron's sexy wife away. "i told ya..." the older gelding snickered from the open door way, before he moved over to look after the newly minted gelding. fin
Closing time delight...
The soft young gelding begged weakly, plainly he was eager to feel that pleasure. dunlup smirked in delight at having this high born gelding singing his praises, and patted the gelding's small hard young rump.
Gelding Cuckold
The gelding took his shower and dried off by the time lena came up to get him. he was wondering why it took her so long, but being the passive gelding he just waited.
House of Pleasure ver 2
Nodding his thanks the slender gelding hurried out. and moments later a slightly older gelding trotted in. "i am dorian hossun's older brother..." and indeed the older gelding did look very much like hossun. "how may i serve?"
Turning myself out Chap 2
Ray tilt his head looking at the gelding in confusion for a second, until he remembered that little threat he'd made when he dropped the gelding off earlier. it had been utter bullshit, something he'd said just to make the gelding get back to work.
The Geldings Girlfriend... Hard Times 7
Now he was a little gelding mare boi, for real males to use. "errr... i mean please mount me next my bull..." the embarrassed and very humbled gelding mumbled meekly.
Lost in Translation
John felt the gelding shiver as weak gelding orgasm ran through him, leaving a dribbled of clear fluid on the side of the tub.
Minotaur Encounter
gelding!" he spits getting into the zebricorbs game. "uhuhu..."