"if the hyenas find their way up here, defended the house.", the lioness said to the nullo as she pulled her hood over her head.
_what thoroughly disorganized and disorderly adolescent, _the nullo thought as he looked at the dirty, clothes, dishes, and such strewn about the house.
The Rules of Poker
If i lose i'll become a nullo and london will never live this down! though if he loses now then he'll have a baby dick as well. not a nullo but not enough to dominate me with._ "i.... i'm going all in!"
Bored Games
"so when were you going to tell me that all those eggs would be nullos?" "hey - it takes several tries to get even one to turn. that's half the fun!" "fun!? i shit out fifteen of those gods forsaken things! my butthole was stretched out for weeks!"
Horny Jail
The zebra gave a chuckle and knicker as it finished forming the nullo bulge around his sheath. but as he watched, the mass didn't stop.
To Call Your Very Own (Unreleased)
Their testicles are missing, and instead their small, flaccid, uncut dick partially hides a faded scar left over from their removal, the words 'worthless nullo' written along it. you weren't warned. seeing your reaction, they grin.
Deal With A Demon *Re-Edited*
At least you can get a pair of marbles to fill you out a bit, though i don't see why you'd want to, might as well let whoever's taking your ass know that you're a useless little nullo," draas shouted venomously, then suddenly he smiled, "you wanna know where
Spreading the Love
She guessed whoever it was that made her a nullo at least rerouted her urinary but for some reason or another opted to leave her sheath as it was instead of removing it or using it to form a sheath cunt of sorts.
Playing with a gelding
The zebracorn snickered as he watched the little rabbit discover his nullo condition. "now you and dear ol' father have something in common to talk about." the big zebracorn winked as he vanished, leaving the stunned rabbit choking and sputtering.
Golem vs. Primals - Part 5 - Dragon
**Advance warning: this work of fiction contains graphic depictions of violence and gore, including the destruction of male genitalia and various internal organs. If you do not wish to read about this or it would be illegal for you to view such...
Golem vs. Primals - Part 4 - Gryphon
**Advance warning: this work of fiction contains graphic depictions of violence and gore, including the destruction of male genitalia and various internal organs. If you do not wish to read about this or it would be illegal for you to view such...
Golem vs. Primals - Part 3 - Hound
**Advance warning: this work of fiction contains graphic depictions of violence and gore, including the destruction of male genitalia and various internal organs. If you do not wish to read about this or it would be illegal for you to view such...