A better world part 2

I guess i really became a recluse, huh? one lion, living alone in this little village. some anthros left because they had family in other parts of the country.

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Come fifteen, expressing a secret thats laughed at and dismissed, not once but twice, lashing out in anger, a kicked in door, shattered glass, reclusive nature, reckless action, all failing to succeed at their given goal a retreat into silence and harbored

Berry, The Dog that Popped my Cherry

In this story, a reclusive leopard with a passion for studying ends up in an unlikely position - under a playful border collie- when he is asked to dogsit by a pampered, rich girl.

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Berry, The Dog that Popped my Cherry

A reclusive leopard with a passion for studying ends up in an unlikely position - under a playful border collie- when he is asked to dogsit by a pampered, rich girl.

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The Folly

The sun began its reclusive journey behind the distant mountains, marbled with blotches of emerald green and sun-bleached whites. as ominous as it is serene.

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Relieving the Pressure

Normally she was a more social creature, happily cavorting about with her friends and family, but the last week has kept her alone and reclusive.

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A Fox and His Yeena

Used and useless i was a recluse trapped in my own body. i hardly went out unless it was to get food or drink. eventually the bar became my new home. its concoctions always intoxicating my brain i would sometimes fight or try to flirt.

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kasper bio.

Behavior- kasper is extremely reclusive. she rarely leaves her house, let alone her room.

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Continued Exchange, Epilogue

Some say he reclused into a life of solitude, never letting anyone in. some say he tried to attack them, as if still a lion. and others say he met his fate as someone's prey.

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You and Them

Crippling isolation and reclusivity pushed away by a genuine connection. you ask their name and what they want and they just smile and say. "you weren't on your phone, want to talk?" talk about what, you ask. "oh anything really.


A better world part 1

I'd been something of a recluse. there'd only been maybe a handful of anthros i'd talked to, socialized with, on a semi-regular basis.

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Life by the Page 1

He always felt as though he didn't socialize enough, as though he was a recluse that only cared about his work. this wasn't entirely true of course but these thoughts did hold merit. he had many friends but he didn't see them as often as he liked.

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