Love Will Bring Us Together: Chapter 3- Nightmares & Fantasies
rift dropped down beside her. "no... no. no, no no!" tears began to well in rifts eyes, dropping down to join the rain on the ground. rift. how could i have let this happen..? rift! why... why her? why not me? "rift!"
4- Reckoning
rift just stood there, his eyes dropping to his bloodied paw. tears began to well in his eyes. tygor cautiously walked up to rift, glancing between him and ferossa. "r-rift, w-what happened?"
12- Dependence
rift was whimpering, crumpled over by the table. his head was bruised and bleeding. sithris ran over and pushed his head under one of rift's front legs. with a grunt, he lifted rift onto a stool. rift sighed.
1- A Year Later
For rift's personality.
18- Forbidden Fire
He walked to the opposite end of the room, the area small enough that rift could probably still touch him with a claw.. rift looked away.
25- End of the Line
rift wiggled his tail under his attacker and tripped him, allowing rift to slam his horns into dark rift's jaw. he faltered when a portal swallowed up the other, leaving him open to dark rift slamming him into a wall.
An Unexpected Pleasure
Kara pulls rift into a passionate kiss, her scent immediately leading rift's tip to emerge. kara climbs on top of him and grinds, letting loose rift's twelve inch chrome shaft.
6- Scorching Ignition (Finale)
Silvus at the last second formed portals to redirect the blast at rift's gut. he groaned in pain but once more got up. rift smiled as an idea formed in his head.
24- When Fire Flickers
Keltin quickly grabbed rift's horns and clamped his jaws around the orange dragon's snout. rift screeched in pain, flailing in a failed attempt to get free.
11- Fear
With a whimper of pain from rift, sithris opened his eyelids and gasped. rift's eyes were fogged, pierced with the dead spider's hairs.
9- Reconciliation
rift went stiff, before finally relaxing and hugging back, "t-that's something i've needed for a long time... thanks... sithy" sithris stared at rift with a blank face. "don't call me that." rift nodded as he took the fish off the fire.
6- Fire & Lightning
He said turning to rift and smiling. "don't just sit there surprised. come on!" rift felt his eye twitch, before he shook his head and stood, leading the way again.