Connections, Parts 2 and 3
"sal, rev runner." "i got that," sal said faintly, extending a hand. rev pumped it enthusiastically. "did he want to ask me about my research too?"
There were days when Tech E. Coyote seriously considered hanging up his uniform and walking away from the Loonatics. Somewhere else, he thought, there had to be another team of superheroes granted powers by that freak meteor. It was just too improbable...
Fast and Curious
When rev runner "paced" back and forth, he dashed from one side of the room to the other, and tech had difficulty following him unless he wore his freeze-frame specs, which he hated doing because the strobe effect made him nauseous.
Connections, Part 1
Ever since the meteor had struck Acmetropolis, Tech E. Coyote had found the process of inventing to be a strange one. He was seeing pathways and connections he'd never figured out before, and they always, always worked. It was as if someone had taken...
Loonatics Unleashed: A Bored Day at the Base
While on the floor, he looked up to see that the voice had came from the speed-talking road runner, rev; who was wearing casual clothes as well. duck soon stood to feet, and grabbed the road runner by the shoulders.
Serenifi Anthology: A Looney Welcome
It was morning at Acme Looniversity. Serenity Coyote and Fifi La Fume were in their homeroom. "You're cuter." "Non, vous!" "That enormous fluffy tail makes you look like a superstar that's also pro-animal-rights! And God... Purple's my favorite color....
Cinder and Shadows (Chapter 1)
Chapter one: Were it all began I think I will start the story from the beginning. So our story will start with my childhood. I never knew my parents, the first thing I remember is the god awful orphanage. The orphanage itself looked bright and...
Soft Rain, Hard Cobbles - Chapter 2
"the 'deal' is that we just saved your ass out there" "cut him som slack hun, we did just drag him down here and chain him up" melissa said as she held her arm against the road runner.
dead fur character description part 1 kian wolffox
You've read the stories a wolf falls in love with a fox , well heres the offspring a 18 year old smimmer , runner , and fighter named kian wolffox omega.
Grease Monkey Ch.7
The sky runner's computer issued a message to all rooms, "attention, deep space planetary orbit will occur in twelve hours and thirty seven minutes." "well then, it won't be long until we can land. i'd suggest a good night's sleep."
StoryTease1 - From Contmept to Love 3: Paradise
"WOAHHHH!" Those were the words of surprise that were uttered out from Natsuru and Drake. The dingo and lynx had their mouths wide open, as they turned their heads in every direction, as they looked around the whole island resort of Utopia Acres. They...
The Runner- Ch.VI Ruxe
They say it's completely necessary, should a runner be captured and interrogated, to prevent any information from being given away even at the cost of the runner's life.