The Banished Wars - Volume One

With crude weapons used by the reptilians, the lutrachans developed far more advanced technology and pushed stonewalled the reptilians' aggressive conquest.


Living in the past: Chapter 2: Every rose

She seemed stonewalled by what he has just said to her almost as if he had slapped her with something she never expected. "but where are you going?" claudette had asked suddenly seeming shocked and bewildered. "just a small vacation."


DC Profile: Mighty Steel

It is theorized that barrows' armor was manufactured by stonewall robotics, but that has never been proven. with this new identity came a change in barrows' vigilantism to a less violent style.

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Investig-otter-y: A Sanmer Story

To stonewall him. to stonewall the bureau! "yes, i can see that. very interesting," he said, a noticeable edge to his voice. missy and trissy glanced at each other. each one curled their arm around his elbows, on either side.

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A Package To Behold - Part 1

The garden was closed off by an 8ft tall stonewall covered in ivy and the entire garden was a glorious suntrap. it was amazing, so peaceful, like being abroad in the mountains of italy or somewhere, so much to take in.

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Blood on Ice - Chapter Two

The river now had stonewalls to guide it through this part of the city with buildings erected on either side. some buildings were tall and pointy, others were square but decorated in bright colors and smelled strongly of flowers.

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A Stranger's Offer

Any attempt to get posted to a field position by his church to get experience got stonewalled by the bishop - a cat that never liked him anyway - and his many attempts to at least work as a healer went unpaid.

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Angela and Nikki

The stonewalls of his room, and the castle for that matter seemed much more hollow now that he was gone. she looked at the articles that pantheon had to leave behind, and then glanced back up into the mirror in front of her. a tear leaked from her eye.

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Krystal's Torment - Chapter 2 - A Snake in the Grass

Torches burned on the upper moss covered stonewalls, giving the place an eerie atmosphere. the lizardmen looked even more frightening in the dark. krystal could see one final soldier stroking himself hard with his left hand.

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Dig my Grave in Reno, part one

To most, larry colt was an impenetrable wall of mystery; a silent rider with two loaded pistols and no past, but even stonewalls crumble and to long-tail, he was but another foster-child of the blackpaw tribe. "they hate me, because i'm different.

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Skipping Stones

I rub his back and see if my consoling words help, but his marked indifference at the words and touch stonewall anything further.

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