Aphrodite City 8: Trash Television
Aphrodite City: Trash Television By Psion An Aphrodite City Story All Rights Reserved Aphrodite City, once the jewel of upstate New York. Now its splendor swept away by a conspiracy as insidious as it was juvenile. Two entities known only as The...
Tales from Anthracite City 7: The Return and Demise of Crimson Screamer
Fur affinity lameass superfur cliché number three, right here. _ _i suppose it could be worse though, could have been deathstroke.
Tales from Silicon City 15: Dark Omens
Tales from Silicon City: Dark Omens By Psion All Rights Reserved Silicon City, central Californian metropolis and home to all manner of metabeings; some heroes, others just trying to live regular lives in spite of having powers, others still became...
Aphrodite City 7: Rise of the Castigator
By Psion An Aphrodite City Story All Rights Reserve Aphrodite City, once a bustling city in western New York State, now a metropolis in a slow, painful decline into silent oblivion. Miraculously isolated from the wonders as well as the horrors of...
Cosmic Love: In The Darkness
Welcome to Chapter 3 of my story Cosmic Love. In this chapter, there is more conflict between Seth and his mission as well as him and his feelings for Justin. This chapter has no fighting in it, but the conflict of emotions is much stronger than any...
Cosmic Love: Blown Out
Welcome to Chapter 4 of Cosmic Love. In this chapter, the two heroes travel to Lucet to confront Justin's father and bring him the news of the abandoned treaty as well as the coming doom. For those that are looking for yiff, yes, this story has yiff,...
Cosmic Love: Dawn, No Day (and Prologue)
This submission includes Chapter 5 of Cosmic Love as well as the Prologue. Yes, this is the last chapter, and I am fairly pleased with how the entire series turned out. I think after this, I might work on several one shots while I develop the details...
Tales from Silicon City 17: Dungeon Crawl
A point needed to be made and i apparently need to periodically stress that this setting does not and will not conform to certain preconceived notions about superfurs.
Cosmic Love: Heartbeat
This chapter reveals some of Thomas' history with Justin as his teacher, mentor, and idol. It also explains why this mysterious rabbit has come to the country of Ezario and some of his background as well as some history between the Castia and Ezario...
Cosmic Love: A Star Fell
I heard a song by Florence and the Machine the other day called Cosmic Love, and it gave me the inspiration I needed to start this story series. As you will probably notice, the titles for the chapters will be coming from clips of lines in the song....
Tales from Anthracite City 9: Red Light Entertainment
"what do you think this is adam, some third rate superfur fic posted on fur affinity? but yeah i get what you're saying, this is way too convenient even if running into her was completely random, odds are we probably know who did this.
The Raging Hounds VII: Disciplinary Action
Still, despite his bravest efforts, vincent was no superfur and around the fifteenth or so (he lost count after four) his knees buckled and he started to hang almost solely by the wrists, his head hung low and a light whimper came from his mouth as the merciless