Death's Blood Ch. Seventeen: Entry to the Underworld

Specifically, the dojos of tamashi kadorikyo. the merchant laughed, but he knew that i was not joking. he gave me a series of gestures, indicating to go all the way across the city, to a bamboo forest. i knew their term for that.

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Death's Blood Ch. Twenty-Three: From Tree To Tree

(tsuyoi knew it, too, for he interjected, "it is customary among the tamashi kadorikyo to fulfil a request of disciples from abroad. such request of yours will be granted.") (two days later, the grandmasters accompanied me at the swordsmith's forge.

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Death's Blood: Ch. Twenty-One: Back to Business

When the red wolf was sixteen, he had a choice: to return home, to engage to a friend that kept his anger in check as a cub, or to stay with the tamashi kadorikyo and further his studies. he chose the latter, for it was his calling.

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