The Finer Things: Part One

"warner's ordered mandatory blood tests for all uac employees," the gopher said. "no ifs, ands or buts." he snorted derisively. "i guess he wants to make sure we aren't all toads." renfield felt cold terror sweep over him. blood tests?

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Embracing Fate-Ch 3 Party Animals

Pre-made food made by the uac. i could never cook so i made this instead. the package said it was gravy flavored steak." she announced taking a spoonful herself, "now, don't you have something important to tell us about?"

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Down the Rabbit Hole

"here at the uac we pride ourselves at being the leading experts in. . . dimensional exploration and advancement. just what the fuck were they up to down here?" "wait. . . did i hear that right?"

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My Great Big Brother - Wet Work Dreams

Neat, although i always did wonder why the uac-you know that company that replaced nasa and claims it can privatize space travel-has a drug company working for it. maybe to pay for their rocket ships or something. eh, who cares?

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