loss of a love one
I loss My cat today, sat and wept the day away,that night i forgot that he was gone. As I went to look for him, I remember that he was gone. Then I wept anew for I loss dear friend that day. To make the heartbreak worst, I did not get to bid him fond...
Place of the heart
My heart has a place that it calls home. A room that the blues skies are that rules the ceiling. Where the floor is green, green, grass. The walls are fruit trees bearing their sweet, sweet, fruit. This is the place of my heart and soul. May my heart's...
Blood And Water Mini - Testing The Waters
- master meridian **blood and water mini** **testing the waters** even though he knew deacon would give him hell for it, bain _luxuriated_ in being amongst civilization once more.
Salt Pool Reader X Holly___ (Reader)
You look into the water that has now gone murky for a moment thanks to your tears. you wipe you face with your paws and calm down to a sniffling.
The Waterbed Man
Her hands moved to her tits, and she pushed the last of the water out of her body. casually, she spat out chris' dick. it shrank back, following the last loads of water back, and she spoke as he spat the water out.
Poem - Rain
The water is up to my knee.
Water (Poem)
An icy water fall, shining in the dark while a frigid arctic wind blows in. alone we were mere water droplets. once i was the mist, but now i am the river. ~travis gallion
Take a Dip
I looked across the water to the rocks, and saw that the pup had gone missing in the few seconds i'd looked away. i started to panic. had it slipped beneath the water? i felt something against my back.
Jet Skis and Flags
Claudia dips her paw into the water and, with enough force, splashes a ton of water at the jocks. cody buries his eyes in his paws. "oww!!!!! my eyes!!!! it burns!!!" he exclaims. "woah!!"
Hot Summer Day
He tried to lift himself up, but quickly found the extra water weight that now rested in his gut, combined with the exhaustion of the heat, kept him chained in place as he blushed from the sudden surge of water that was quickly bloating out his middle.
All's Fair In Love And Cinnamon War
You're getting water everywhere!" patricia says. "don't care!" zoe says. "must catch up to those bastards!!" "sheesh! and even claudia didn't react this crazy." "what set her fire a blazing?" eddy asks when him and barbara catch up.
Of Magic and Fur (Part 2)
As i walk down to the river, i realize that i don't have a container or anything to purify water. looking around, i was hoping to find a container to put water in, which i found to be unsuccessful.