Second Stage

AUTHOR'S NOTES: As promised, I got the next chapter up as soon as possible. So, here it is. I'd just like you all to know, that I had a LOT of fun writing this. There's not much to say, except that I was trying a few new writing elements to generally...

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Ein Flüstern im Sturm Part 6

Ein Flüstern im Sturm Part 6 Hargunten besah sich die Holokarte der Umgebung ihrer Basis, eine zerfallene Stadt. Er überlegte wie er sein 4000 Mann starkes Regiment am besten verkaufen konnte. Die Hybriss waren auf einmal sehr aktiv...


Lost in the World Part 2: meeting Lin

Part Two: Meeting Lin Randel must of cried for hours. He cried until it seemed he ran out of tears and then he only sat on the ground and looked at his feet. The alley was dark and the people that passed by couldn't see him. His dad had said...

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Chapter 1- The Meeting

Rain pattered off the windshield, the constant faint drumming stopping abruptly each time the wipers swiped it away, the repeated motion having a sort of heartbeat like rythmn, quite hypnotising when there is nothing but an open road and hundreds of...

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A Day off Part Two

Chapter 15: A Day off Part Two: Author's note: I thought I should add more personality to my characters so I have their favorite songs. Lacyus: ABORT//CLEAR by TM Revolution (Japanese. Translation at...

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Family Bonds: A TwoKinds Fanfic

Back story: While the story advances in the comic "Twokinds" Flora's sister, Serana, searches for her sister and runs from her former captors that she believes was kidnapped by the "evil" Trace Legacy. She searches with the help of a cursed human, his...

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The Scary Room

_First day of work_, I told myself in front of the mirror. I got out of the shower a couple of minutes ago, so my fur was still damp, but was drying quickly. I had nothing on safe of the towel around my waist, and I couldn't help but admire the effort...

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Blood in the Moonlight 2

Author's Note: I don't own digimon, if I did then a weird round head would NOT have come out VenomMyotismon's groin. And I would have made VenomMyotismon into a hot male god! And yes you Wizardmon fans, there will be a Gatomon later on in the story....

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The Job - Prolouge

Well all, I have returned. Not to be conceited, but my skills have improved since my last story. This is just the prolouge to a series I hope to put alot of entries into. No adult stuff in this part, sorry guys, so no worries. I just want to have a...

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Demonslayer chapter 2: the evil rises

Chapter 2 The next morning Blue wakes up. He walks to the lab and eeps when he sees a sad Morningstar sitting with a cup of coffee. "What's the matter father?" asks the blue fox as he sits down next to is sad father. He wipes away a tear...

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Demonslayer Chapter 1: In the Beginning....

Prologue Every heroic story you have heard has a taste of truth behind it...This is the story of the mighty Bluerichmund Furryswipes. It begins at the Prometheus Research Facility where the ultimate creature was being created. The experiment was...

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Crazy Paranormal Chapter 5

After a few hours of homework, I went downstairs to get a snack. As I opened the door to the pantry, I saw something at the corner of my eye. I thought it was my imagination so I just kept doing what I was doing. I grabbed a bag of chips and started...

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