A Journey Begun - Chapter 9 - Government Issue
I hadn't even properly set foot on American soil before there was a hint of a problem. After getting off from our night flight, me and Brandon had milled around in the departure area of JFK for a while, having breakfast and reading up on the news a...
A Journey Begun - Chapter 8 - Hard Boiled Cops in a Hard Boiled City
The caller said that he was being held in what used to be the stadium. Tonight, midnight, be there with Morgan and a million bucks in cash, used notes only. Sounded like a cliche straight out of some dime store video game about hard boiled cops in a...
A Journey Begun - Chapter 7 - Unexpected
Midnight, or at least close to it. After leaving the family in Abayya's capable hands, me and Brandon struck out on our own to find out who exactly was responsible for all this death and violence that swirled around our employers like a vortex of...
A Journey Begun - Chapter 2 - The Daily Grind
A few more days and it's back to work. In the time that I spent on sick leave, I've been busy practicing how to control my newfound powers. As it turns out, not only can I freeze things on a whim, I'm also faster, stronger, more agile and quicker than...
A Journey Begun - Chapter 1 - Into A New Skin
"The young master has begun his journey, master." "Good. I assume you did your job, old man?" "He didn't even see me leave. I'll be fine." "Then we have nothing to worry about. Things will go on as per normal. He will learn, as his ancestors...
And our story begins here.
The grey wolf said nervously, already knowing the answer.
Searching for Galahad Part Two
Friday Mae stood in front of the mirror, arms above her head and crossed at the wrist, slender neck moving from side to side. Yosshi watched her move as she laced her patchwork dress. The dress had very simple boning, accentuating her shape and...
Searching for Galahad Part One
A grey wolf, male, with blue eyes that made her stop thinking for a second. "i'm sorry!" she blurted out. "are you alright?" the wolf asked, turning slightly and nearly dropping the armful of swords he was holding.
Not Alone (prologue)
Have you ever have one of those dreams that you don't ever want to wake up from but life decides to be a pain in the ass and wakes you up even if you don't want to? Well that happens to me a lot. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP. I groaned as the sound...
Not Alone chapter 3
[Darius] I don't know what compelled me to kiss Alex but it felt so good yet so strange. I pull Alex to me so I can hold him closer, his lips were so soft and warm. I felt like I should of stopped but I couldn't stop myself. A moan of pleasure...
Ch. 2: A Night At The Island, part 1
The next day comes and Dean stood up out of his bed. He scratched his back of his head and looked around and saw the rampage in his room. The cabinets torn to bits, the closet was ruined, all the clothes are spread on the floor and the door was...
The Gate-Way Revisited: Chapter 8 A Warrior Born
Next to him stood jake; the grey wolf stared straight ahead at the doors to the elevator. matt suppressed a shiver as he regarded his friend. jake seemed very powerful and strong, his manner was proud and fierce.