Chaos Chapter 14: Break (True Epilogue this time)

Volcan had been wearing the form of a mega blaziken. it seemed grom had also not informed them that it was him there that night, to keep his story of volcan's 'selfish cowardice' consistent.

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Contest Part 4

Finally, the mega scizor rushed past and struck him with a wing attack, dealing highly effective damage to the mega blaziken. "ooohhh... that'll leave a mark, " hank mttered after seeing volcan suffer such a critical hit.

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Spygate: Living Up To Expectations

Ace and unnerve shielded their eyes as the light blinded them, before lowering their arms as chief ken became a mega blaziken. chief ken stood there, smugly looking at unnerve, who was in shock at what he had witnessed.

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Sands of the West Chapter 4: Crossing Paths

Volcan and luke stared down the three thugs, who were visibly intimidated by the mega blaziken and mega lucario they were now faced with. volcan cracked his knuckles as he spoke to them, bearing a hint of malice in his voice.

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