Mushrooms, Turtles and Pipes, Oh My! 10 - To Southern Seas

While there were other islands farther away, lavalava island was one of the most easily accessible, and one of the few islands within the boundaries of the mushroom kingdom.

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Mushrooms, Turtles and Pipes, Oh My! 13 - The Weston Kingdom

According to koopin, they were a kingdom far across the sea who were allied with the mushroom kingdom, whose princess was best friends with the mushroom kingdom's own royalty.

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Peach Birdo tf

The pink birdo's body felt like it was on fire as the yoshi took command of her, using her arms to pull himself deeper into her walls, the two mushroom kingdom animals now enthusiastically fucking each other in broad daylight.

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Peach's Married Life

No more being stuck in the mushroom kingdom for months on end, being driven insane by loneliness and desire. no more kidnappings. i keep worrying that i'll wake up and find that it was all just a dream."

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Bowser's Royal Foot Slave (Chapter 2)

There hadn't been any mushroom kingdom soldiers near enough to the factory to be a threat to it then, not that he could remember.

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The Problem with Pipes - June Rule 34 Story #1

He asked, remembering back to the childhood of fun he had terrorizing the mushroom kingdom with that very scepter. he pressed his face into the glass to look at it, putting his hands on both sides of the case. "yep.

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The Royal Throne

"how many times do i have to tell people in the mushroom kingdom?" the nekomara shouts, "i'm not mario! i am aren!

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Darkness and Starlight 10 - A Town of Thieves

Koopin warned fg that unlike in the mushroom kingdom proper, the areas of rogueport and its surroundings would charge him for staying unless he had a coupon, mainly because the continent was not within the boundaries of the mushroom kingdom's legislature

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Darkness and Starlight 4 - The Royal Exhibition

She makes great efforts to ensure that a regular relationship of peace and friendship remains across all borders of the mushroom kingdom."

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Peach's Double Life

Damn, that would be embarrassing, winding up back in mushroom kingdom like this. the thought made her giggle.

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Bowser's Royal Foot Slave: Filler (Between part 1 and 2)

He worked as a spy for members of the mushroom kingdom, passing along information about the configuration of the troops that we have deployed along the border.

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Job Satisfaction

Didn't you ever stop to think just how many soldiers i must have to so continuously throw myself against the mushroom kingdom, rapidly building entire series of castles and occupying whole countrysides with legions of troops?

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