Chapter 6: Rebirth as a Persona-user

"um, my mistake, i forgot to tell you about someone specific wanting to join the team and in classes: my boyfriend, nathan osworth....he's an otter, like you.....and a really good swimmer....he's as fast as i am, maybe faster."

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Chapter 6- Rebirth as a Persona-User

"um, my mistake, i forgot to tell you about someone specific wanting to join the team and in classes: my boyfriend, nathan osworth....he's an otter, like you.....and a really good swimmer....he's as fast as i am, maybe faster."

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Chapter 8- Rebuilding Friendship (Part 1)

"um....yes, this is nathan osworth. who is this?" "oh, thank goodness i dialed the right number: it has taken me so very long to reach you!"

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