Master of Hearts (Revelations) Part 1

Master of Hearts Revelations The excellent start of a Monday morning started with Newport wasting no time waking up Connor. Throwing up his hand to snap up the fading lights to a full blast, causing Connor to cry out in protest, spinning out of his...

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Fun in the Sun

The late-morning light kissed the concrete and dew-covered grass as it rose up into the sky, casting dark shades of cool respite from the summer warmth. The park sung with life; from birds happily chirping to vendors hawking cheap, cool drinks and...

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Realm of the Dead God

Realm of the Dead God - Chapter 18 of the Legends of the DragonRider The Master-Merchant sighed and stretched, working the kinks in his neck. The road had been long, rough and hazardous, but now that they had safely arrived, the _real_work could...

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A Cooling Rac

He closed the door to the chamber, then looked up to the vaulted windows in the tall room. Once upon a time this was used for something else, but now once a month it was his cell. The beast within him stirred as the moon shone down into the center of...

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"_Seriously_," Blake thought, "_what an asshole_." Still fuming from the memory of how his Philosophy Lecturer condescendingly answered his question, Blake strode briskly across the road without checking for cars. He may as well have danced naked in...

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Fhang's Sleepover

Obligatory Content Warning: The following story contains scenes of a SEXUALLY SUGGESTIVE NATURE between TWO MALE CUBS. If this offends you, DO NOT READ ON. By reading beyond this point, you waive your right to be offended by my work, because YOU WERE...

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Pack Mentaility Chapter 8

They stayed off the roads to avoid travelers and did what they called 'tree hoping'. Tree hoping is where they use their speed and agility to hop from tree branch to tree branch and they can make good time and do so almost unnoticed. it does have it's...

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Pack Mentaility Chapter 6

Two days later Pat and Jezeca set out for his usual run His cart was driven by a pair of horses which were intailly frighten by Jezeca's scent whe she firt approached them a day earlier, but luckily she knew the way to a horses heart and with food and...

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Pack Mentaility chapter 5

In the months that follow Jezeca travels around doing an odd job for food. She evey crosses a inland sea to get away from the pack. Finally though she is tired of running and wants to settle, she heard there was a town nearby and figure she try here....

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Pack Mentaility Chapter 3

A month has past since the attack on the town. After the first week Jezeca conceded the fact it's easier being in wolf form than in human form, but after that first night as a true werewolf she's slept seperatly from the rest of the pack minus Rachel...

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The Sagely Bard: The Alin Raven story

It has been so long since I've spoken of my past... I am Alin Raven, son of Tarin Raven, the great high mage of Arca and Alhilia Raven. Growing up for me was normal, I'd go out to play in the woods, I'd come home dirty and I'd get a lecture about how I...

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