Sonika the Faker Chapter 7

"ok once upon a time there was a ..." "can it be a rabbit!?"asked cream excitedly. "ok once upon a time there was a rabbit called sonic". everybody looked at me really interested in what i was about to say.

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The Darkness of Nyte

The darkness of nyte i suffer in the endless depths, another moment with many steps, and endless stairs, yet so few care so once upon a time, i wrote this very ryhme, to be heard aloud, yet not before a large crowd


tino and joanne

once upon a time there was princess named joanne who lived in a far away land and all the boys loved her exceptone boy who was absolutely a jerk and was very hot but she had uncontolable love for him, so she folows him out of town and he


Little Red Riding Hood

once upon a time, there was this girl named little red riding hood, so named because of the red riding hooded cape she wore.

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Poem - How Shenzi met with Ed and Banzai

**how shenzi met with ed and banzai** once upon a time, in a distant sunny land. shenzi, sour as lime, cursed at her old band. her hyena pals left her, alone in distant land. „how you bastards dare?", pissed she into sand.

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Emo Wolf and The Enemy Neighbor

once upon a time there was a emo wolf and it liked pie.. one day its enemy came to its house and had a pie. emo wolf: omg u gots pie!!! \*drools uncontrolably\* enemy: yes do you want it? emo wolf: yess!!!!!

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Eulogy to a Snail

once upon a time a snail came with the autumn rains. from where it came, no one knows, and for how long it stayed is known only to the eyes of light in the ceiling.

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Dear Heartbreaker

A line that held a memory once upon a time. dear heartbreaker. roses are red. roses are black. roses became death upon a heart. dear heartbreaker. it's becoming too late. tick. tock. tick..

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baby dragon

once upon a time a mother was expecting a baby dragon she was sitting in bed when suddenly she felt her water break she yells the babies coming to her husband who came running in with towels that he placed under and over her while calling the midwife telling

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Preface: A Father's Duty

once upon a time, there was a lovely little fox who lived in a burrow, under a wheat field. every morning, he used to go down to the stream to wash himself from the night's hunt.

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Towards a Brighter Day

#4 of poetry just a short poem i wrote once upon a time ^^ every night the moonlight casts its long shadows across the world and i take a hold of the hands of those that care for me.

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Redeyedwolf chapter 1 How the Redeyedwolf got its name!

once upon a time there was oh cut this crap and come to reality so there i was roming across the country side hunting for food on my own oh and by the way my name is sage yeah sage the wolf i know right well that's my name so any way i saw a reindeer in

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