The Woodland Visitor Ch 12 Kids

I apologize for the delay in getting this chapter out along with the shortness of it. I just needed to set up future events. The Woodland Visitor Ch 12 Kids I climbed into bed and curled up next to Sienna. It had been a long week and...

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The Woodland Visitor Pt 11: A New Pup

The Woodland Visitor Pt 11 A New Pup It was a weary group that exited the Chinook and made our way over to several van's waiting for us to take us home. Twenty minutes later I stood in the garage looking over our group. I needed to tell them I...

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The Woodland Visitor Ch 10: Allies Against Darkness

I have to apologize for the delay in getting this out. I also need to apologize for the shoddy work I did on it. Being in the military, duty comes first, then after the 28 hour days I've had to put in, if there is any time left (You do the math) I...

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The Woodland Visitor Ch 9: Help From The Past

The Woodland Visitor Pt 9 Help From The Past Sienna looked down at me. "I think you need to go visit her." I grabbed her and pulled her to me, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you." She rested her chin on the top of my head and gently...

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The Woodland Visitor Ch 8: Confessions

The Woodland Visitor Pt 8 Confession Everyone was waiting at Sienna's house for Steve to show up. As soon as he arrived they would begin the tour of the area. While they waited Doc Travis came over to Tom. "Mind if I check out your leg?" ...

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The Woodland Visitor Ch 7: Home At Last

The Woodland Visitor Pt 7 Home At Last The sun was still an hour away from rising when sixteen shadows moved just within the wood line. Three shadows detached themselves from the woods and entered the fenced in backyard. Before they reached the...

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Letting Go 2: Sasha’s Story

I'm re-posting this cause for some reason it's not showing up. Letting Go: Sasha's Story Sorry this took so long to come around. Sasha wanted me to write this a long time ago but something always came up. A sharp claw on my throat was more than...

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The Woodland Visitor Ch 24: Rocare

The Woodland Visitor Ch 24: Rocare AUTHORS NOTE: I apologize to everyone for the delay in getting this out. I will not make an excuse on why it is late because there is none. I know how frustrating it is when you follow a story and the author just...

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A Stellar Affair Chapter Four: Preparations

**A Stellar Affair** Chapter Four Preparations As I entered the atmosphere my fears were laid to rest. Even with only one engine operational, the new Arwing handled like a charm. "Academy Tower this is Falcon one requesting clearance to...

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A Stellar Affair Chapter three: The Academy

A Stellar Affair Chapter three The Academy ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Authors Note ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: And now the most beloved part of any story, the legal mumbo-jumbo....

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