Power Fur Rangers- Episode 13

Episode 13 "Powered By Dragon Pt.4" By Furry Sith Lord Previously on The Power Fur Rangers. Lisa, The Pink Power Fur Rangers gets captured in an attempt to rescue Zolton. The Evil Emperor gives The Green Dragon Zord to The Green...

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Power Fur Rangers- Episode 21

Episode 21 "Twisted Evil Pt. 3" By Furry Sith Lord Last time on Power Fur Rangers, Brian was cubnapped by The Evil Army and forced to give up his ring. It was then given to Twisted Blue so that an illusion from Mirror Force...

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Power Fur Rangers- Episode 20

Episode 20 "Twisted Evil Pt.2" By Furry Sith Lord Previously on Power Fur Rangers, The Evil Army now had 5 members of The Twisted Rangers and using the monster Mirror Force they were able to disguise themselves as The Power Fur...

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Wheel of Time: Born in Shadows- Description

Set before the events in "Eye of The World" by Robert Jordan. This story follows a slave named Ktanos who discovers he can channel and tried to escape before the Aes Sedai hunt him down because he can channel. Little does he know The Dragon Reborn...


Power Fur Rangers- Episode 19

Episode 19 "Twisted Evil Pt.1" By Furry Sith Lord Movin in like lightning, You never know what they're gonna throw at you, Don't give up! Just Stand Your Ground. The Fight is Tough, But We're Behind...

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The Human War- Chapter Four

Chapter Four "Big Mistake" By Furry Sith Lord "Wow, You guys fucked up big time." I remarked as my father glared at the agents holding my brother and my dad hostage. I was not really worried about them but that my fiance was...

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Power Fur Rangers- Episode 18

Episode 18 "Beach Blanket Blues Pt. 2" By Furry Sith Lord Previously on Power Fur Rangers, the Evil Army created a monster that puts The Power Fur Rangers to sleep. Meanwhile, Tom is left to fight the monster alone. Can he hold off...

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The Human War- Chapter Three

Chapter Three "The Return of C.I.Z.A." By Furry Sith Lord I set aside some time to talk to my father about letting me visit Benyamin's family. He was overjoyed to hear about their interest in our money. He began tro school me on how to...

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Power Fur Rangers- Episode 17

Episode 17 "Beach Blanket Blues pt 1" By Furry Sith Lord Movin in like lightning, You never know what they're gonna throw at you, Don't give up! Just Stand Your Ground. The Fight is Tough, But We're Behind...

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The Human War- Chapter Two

Chapter Two "Planning Stuff" By Furry Sith Lord Ben and I sat in the limo silently as my father was busy planning how he was going to organize and how our marriage was going to be conducted. I think we were both thinking when...

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Shadow of The White Citadel- Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Nineteen "When The Best Plans Become Spoiled." By Furry Sith Lord "What the fuck did you guys do to your system?" Lou asked as he sat at a console in a C.I.Z.A. base. A large clock was plastered on every screen and it...

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Shadow of The White Citadel- Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Eighteen "Ruthless Slaves" By Furry Sith Lord I sat cuffed to a plastic seat inside a jail cell. My paws were cuffed in front of me and my ankles were cuffed so even if I rose I would not be able to walk away from the seat....

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