A Life Time Lost: Chapter 1: A Life Time Lost in Shadow

A Life Time Lost: Chapter 1: A life time lost in shadow This is my first story of what I hope will become many. Please write any criticisms you have good or bad because they will be most helpful. I hope you enjoy reading my story as much as I...

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Soul's of the Creators: Chapter One

Well, here it is. My very first vore story. It is written in first person, mostly because I just felt like it, so any characters in the story are not knowingly based on any characters belonging to any individual. This is the beginning of a new series I...

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Taboo Love Chapter 10: Best Kept Secret

_Yes, I finally got off my lazy fluffy butt and wrote this! =^\_^=_ _There is to be no lynch mob you hear! I am under the VAST time limit I set myself, go and check for your self._ _I hope this is a worthy swansong for the series. Enjoy! After the...

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How We Change

The clash, clamour and chaos, a true hailstorm to be caught up in. Everything continued on, never ceasing for even a moment of recovery. It was a disorderly mess of barely structured bedlam that drove headlong towards a sheer cliff-drop without even...

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Born to be Bound

Okay, so this is a story based off an RP i did with someone who would like to remain nameless as he/she is a shy cutie-pie ^^ I may do this sort of thing more often because it only took a day to write up, mostly because i had good source material to...

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