United Through Two Worlds Chapter 11

When the first rays of light cracked upon the dawn's horizon, the Pokémon began to move, accompanying Melody and Michael back to the farmhouse. The entire group of leaders were accompanying them along with a small defensive party made up of Lucarios,...

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United Through Two Worlds Chapter 12

For a few days, the routine the group went through was the same. Will instructed the tribe leaders, now his assistants, in what needed to be monitored and done. Tom would sit for hours on the rooftop, rifle in his hand, box of ammunition at his side....

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United Through Two Worlds Chapter 14

He screamed. He screamed and he screamed into the coming morn. A great wailing through the fields and trees, filled with grief and sorrow one can only feel a few times in life before breaking. He sat there, head craned to the sky, cursing the very...

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United Through Two Worlds Chapter 15

The world came as a swimming haze as Michael woke, faintly aware of the vibration of the vehicle around. The sun only crested the horizon currently, spilling ruby light across the road and countryside, darkness still clinging to the land. His mind was...

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United Through Two Worlds Chapter 16

Michael woke alone again the next day and the pain was still fresh on his heart, taking all of his strength to move out of bed and into the cold world he now inhabited. His mind seemed to accelerate back into reality as he woke, leaving behind the...

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United Through Two Worlds Chapter 17

Gentle warm wind breathed over Michael's cheek, the smell of old wood and ashes filling his nose as he woke. His mind steadily came back to him and he realised what had happened. He slowly turned his head, seeing the great white sphere of light still...

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